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Run, was all I could think. My tail swished at the autumn leaves and my ears pricked up in attentive arcs, the breeze smelled stale, like milk years after the due date, Don't stop, run! My mind screamed at me, and that's exactly what I did.
I heard a soft voice giggling, and some twigs breaking from a field nearby I jumped and did the only thing I could, kick it high gear and run and not to brag, I'm fast! When I skidded the field I heard a yell "Hey! Who are you?" I stopped, and froze. It doesn't smell dangerous, or even hostile.
I looked it was a young girl, maybe close to her eleventh or twelfth birthday. "I asked you, who are you miss?" I stared and blinked then I opened my mouth, I barked and she erupted in giggled making my face flush and I let out an ashamed whimper, for some reason its like seeing the sun coming out when she smiled.
I lolled my tongue slightly and my ears were twitching one was bent down from the cartilage being damaged in a fight when I was younger, I can't remember who with. and the other perked straight up, both matching my snow white hair. "You're not human, are you." I perked my head to the side and thought, Human? Am I human, well I look like one. Do I? "Come on, Daddy will know." I stared at the flushed child and nodded, a daddy?


"Carlile, Where is Nessie?" I asked my father, who sighed "She said she went out to play in the yard." I frowned "I can't seem to hear her anymore." I complained, Carlile knowing by 'hear' he meant, read her thoughts. "I smell something, off." Emmett stated, "Me two, me three." Added my wife, and Alice. "Daddy! Daddy!" A bounding Nessie came in smiling, "Look I met someone new, but she doesn't exactly speak English, can you read her thoughts?"
I looked up at the teenage girl, who couldn't be past sixteen, she was tense. She had, wait. Am I seeing things? No. Vampires have perfect eyesight. "Who is she?" Bella said, grabbing Nessie and carefully placing her behind the protective family. Why are they scared?! Are they going to hurt the little angel! Chimed a very feminine voice, with a weird accent perhaps Irish, maybe even British. "We will not hurt, our daughter." I said firmly, she nodded her white tail brushed the perfectly polished wood flooring in our living area. "Who are you, what's your name?" Carlisle asked, it took a bit but I heard in almost a whisper my name is angel, but most people call me baby. I'm a human, wolf thing. the girls tongue lolled out happily.
"I'll call the dogs." Rosalie said in frustration before gracefully prancing off to the phone, I told everyone what she said and of course Carlile spoke for all, "Hello, I'm Carlile this is my wife Esme, and There is Edward and his wife Bella, Rosalie, Emmett,, Alice and Jasper. You have already got acquainted with Renesmee." The door was soon opened, and we knew it was the pack, obviously we have to say well, they STINK.


​Who are they? I thought as a bunch of half naked tan dudes with biceps the size of a double big mac bounded in. "What's the problem." a huge man stepped up, with a gorgeous tan of course, and frantically i'm mentally pouting at my paleness, damn skin! Tan don't burn! My wolf tail swished and my ears laid out every which way sloppily, I didn't listen until I heard "Angel." All eyes on me, I lolled my tongue out, attention great! (Hint Hint: Sarcasm) might as well be a good sport, I barked and tilted my head closing my eyes, I heard a small "Aw, she looks like a puppy at the pet shop!" It was Renesmee's adorable voice. As I looked around I realized, I'm not alone anymore, will this 'family' be different from the last?


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