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My head was hurting, and my nose twitched I smell something, I stared at the black starless sky, it was almost overwhelming, even the moon couldn't be seen, and the Cullens went out hunting, leaving Renesmee, Jacob, and I home, of course Jacob passed out on the couch hours after Edward tucked Nessie in and left. I looked at the small girl sleeping near me, I was near the end of the bed in some clothes Alice lent me.
I looked back at the two eyes staring at me through the darkness. A Cougar? my throat was going to erupt into a warning growl, but when it leapt in and went for Renesmee's sweet scent, I couldn't hold back and the clothes tore into unrecognizable washcloths, no! I lunged at it, sunk my teeth into its shoulder, it screamed and whacked me good against my shoulder, I yelped but went again and again. I screamed mentally at the snarling beast, we were now on either end of the room, staring menacingly. Nessie was awake and terrified.
I lunged at it again, this time for the throat, but missing it, it was tearing at me instead. It snagged my right hip, then my lower back, but no matter the pain I growled, spit, and bit until it admitted defeat! It hopped out of the open window. I stumbled and panted, I heard the door open and Nessie waking up "Renesmee!" I heard Edward hug her, "Where is it?" he asked looking "The beast." he stated, he knew the scent, I whined "Angel, oh no." he stared, despite the pain, I lolled my tongue out and thought happily Edward! I scared off the monster! Nessie is safe! he gave me a sad look, why?


She doesn't see the blood around her? The injuries? Why is she so happy, like a dog after saving its master from a snake, only to be bit. That cougar was rabid, and Nessie could of gotten deadly sick, since she was half human that is. "Edward is she okay?"Carlisle spoke softly, "Yes, just fine, but Angels quite hurt." I nodded my head towards her wolf gotten, "Oh my." Carlisles eyes widened, he looked at Angel limp over and lick Nessie's cheek Edward, why are you guys staring? I'm fine. Her thoughts were sent spiraling, she then fell on her side changing back Alice grabbed a blanket wrapping her up, her thoughts were playing softly through my mind. "Get her in my office now!" Carlisle demanded, the entire family followed us into the office area, known as Carlisles office. She has rabbis, but she saved my daughters life. While the damn dog was snoozing. I glared at the dog known as Nessie's imprinter. Dog.

Third person

Angel was sitting on the examining table in Carlisle's office, Seth was told he could finally come along. He sat in the back not able to see what was going on "Let me through!" he growled only to have Paul, Quill, and Jacob all push him back to his original spot.
He heard a new voice, and smelled a new scent. "Ouch!" he heard Edward say, 'Vampire can say ouch?' Seth looked and pushed past Paul he met the ice blue eye's of a girl and his heart lifted, his face flushed and he felt like fainting. All the world shifted and he had to blink three times to remove his eyes "W-Wow." Seth mumbled.
"Oh great." Sam growled lowly, "Hey I'm Seth Clearwater." he held out his hand, and then he saw the ears that were snow white to match her hair, "what?" He said "She's half human, Half Wolf." Carlisle said like it was obvious. "Oh." Seth nodded, and Angel smiled "She doesn't spe-..." Edward was caught off in the middle of his sentence when a small feminine voice chimed "I'm... Angel ... Angel Potters." She smiled, everyone stared, "You spoke!" Nessie ran to her and hugged her tight, "You really spoke!" Angel smiled her sharp canines dazzled "Wow." Seth spoke again, she will be mine. Edward heard from a wolf in the room, and smiled.

(Sorry for the shortness!)


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