His Pet {if there ever was pets in the glade}

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His pet { if there ever was pets in the glade }

Thomas~ An adorable husky and golden retriever mix puppy. Thomas was sent up with him, and the puppy wouldn't leave him from then. He decides to name him Max.

Newt~ A super soft Siamese cat. Newt gets it on you're six month anniversary, because you know how much he wanted a cat. He decides to name her Blair. {Gossip Girl anyone?}

Minho~ A hedgehog. A baby hedgehog to be correct. You were sent up with it but Minho claimed it amediately. He names her Charlotte, but always calls her Charlie.

Chuck~ A bunny. A soft white and black bunny. He found it in the glade and eventually grew fond to having it around. He let you name it and you decided on Cookie. You decided on Cookie became you were hungry at the moment. {Seems right to me}

Gally~ Gally has a fish. A beautiful Blue, purple, and green fish. You have absolutely no idea where he got it from, but then again no one knows. He calls it Savanna, which no one gets.

Okay so I might have to edit when I'm gonna edit what around a bit.. I think I'll try and update this 2 times a week and my other story I'll update every other week. So which one of these gladers pets do you like most? To be honest I love Minho's and my brother has a hedgehog named Charlotte. Oh I gave Minho a hedgehog because I can just see him running the maze with the hedgehog in his pocket with a big grin on his face. 😂😂 Leave some questions for me because I might do 20 facts?!? Not 100% sure yet but keep an eye out for updates from me. That picture is of my dog, he's a Maltese and his name is Bear.
The least gossipy Gossip Girl you'll ever meet 😜

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