Part 2

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Mike's POV
3rd Person

The Next Day

"So are you gonna come out? To the band?" Mike asks Joe as they pull up at a café.

They were gonna meet the rest of the band and Chester had to go somewhere..

He didn't tell Mike where but Mike didn't want to think about it too much.

"No not yet, I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come out the closet.. He really doesn't want to go through what you did." Joe explained softly at Mike's eyes widen. "He knows about me?" Joe smiles widely. "What did you expect? You guys are my OTP!! I will NEVER stop talking about you's!" Joe softly punches his shoulder and Mike laughs. "Right, okay.. But just tell him he won't go through what I did. Tell him to not listen to the bad things in the world.... I would've done that if it weren't for them bunch of guys ganging up on me around that fucking tree." He mutters the last part and Joe shoots him a look. "What if they do it to him?" Mike shakes his head. "Then he has a choice, to listen or to not. I listened and I put all you guys through shit, defiantly with Chester and as soon as I pulled through I felt so bad with putting everyone through that..." Joe starts laughing. "Is THAT why you threw that fucking party?!" Mike starts laughing. "Yeah! I felt bad man leave me alone." Joe shakes his head and sighs. "I'll talk to him.. But it might be a while, no one is  built like you Mr Shinoda." Mike scrunches his nose up. ".... What?" "I'm used to Mr Bennington now." Mike blushes a deep red and Joe smiles widely. "It will happen.. Everything just seems rough now." Mike looks at him confused. "What do you mean?" Joe looks down. "Mike.... Have you talked to Dave and Brad lately?" He asks slowly and Mike stares at him. "The last time I talked to them was when we had that show with Steve and Felix." Joe looks at him. "Right, have you talked to Rob properly?" Mike shifts in his seat. "Not properly.." Joe smiles reassuringly. "Why? Are they okay?" Joe shrugs. "All I can say is.. Don't get too caught up in your Bennington world... I don't want you coming out with scars and facing more destruction." He then climbs out and shuts the door behind him, Mike stares at the door for what seems like eternity.

What? What did he mean?
Has something happened with the guys?
Did Chester do-No because he was with Mike..
So then...?

Mike closes his eyes and takes a breath. "Fucking Joe." He sighs before climbing out the car, locking it then walking into the café.


"And what would you handsome men like today?" The waitress asks and Brad gapes at her. "Chicken." Dave states and she looks at him. "We don't ha-" "Chicken? You don't have any chicken?" Dave asks in disbelief, Mike snickers and Brad continues gaping at her. "I would like a double cheese cake and with strawberry muffin please?" Joe asks and she looks at him annoyed. "We don't have that." Joe bites his lip and looks down sadly. "O-Oh.." Dave glances at Joe then to Mike. "What about you Mike? Cause this fucking place is a disaster." Mike looks at her innocently. "Can I have some milk?" Mike asks in a sweet innocent child's voice and the whole table erupts with laughter.

The waitress blushes badly before turning around and walking away. "Mi-Mike!" Dave wipes his tears away and Brad puts his head on the table. "Sh-She's..." Brad bursts out laughing and Mike goes into a fit of giggles.

He felt something vibrate in his pocket.

Chester: You won't believe what's happened..
Mike: What's happened? Are you okay?
Chester: Dude! I was in the shop right? And a bunch of fan girls jumped on me which made me accidentally steal milk!! Because I was running (or trying too) away from them.. The police is in front of me

He re-read the message and he feels tears well up in his eyes.

He bites down on his lip and slowly stands up. "I'm leaving and I'm gonna pick up Chester, he's in a little jam so I'm gonna go help him." He tell them before walking out the café, leaving everyone confused.

He climbs into his car and reverses out of his parking space.


He wipes away his tears but they well up again.

He climbs out the car and sees 2 figures standing in front of the police car and there's a bunch of girls staring at them wide eyed.

He walks over to them and Chester turns to him. "MIKE!"


He falls to the floor laughing like a complete mad man.

The police Officer stares at Mike as if he was a axe murder.

Chester is just utter scared and confused.

Mike swore he nearly pissed his pants laughing so hard.

The girls stare at them.

After 30 minutes of laughing hysterically, he stands up and wraps his arms around his stomach.

Hurting from all the laughter.

He wipes away his tears and takes a breath.

Chester is staring at him blankly, the Officer nearly called for back up.

"I-.. I'm so sorry.." He clears his throat as his voice cracked, he takes another breath. "He never meant to steal the milk, he was getting chased by them-" I nod my head at the fan girls and they squeal. "-And he panicked and ran out the shop, forgetting the milk." The Officer stares at him before breaking out into a grin. "I know who you guys are, my son loves you.. So it would be a nightmare if he finds out I arrested his idol." Chester smiles kindly at the Officer. "Well Officer..." He squints his eyes at his badge. ".. Bob... Here." Chester takes the pen off the Officer and grabs his notebook.

He scribbled something down and then hands the pen and book back to Bob. "There.." The Officer's smile widens.

His signature and a little note.

Mike leans to see what he put.

A buttload of love from me and Linkin Park little man!"

Mike shakes his head with a loving smile before stepping back. "Let's go Chaz.." Chester grabs Mike's hand and there's cameras clicking, Mike rolls his eyes and pecks his cheek. "Bye Officer Bob!" They both wave goodbye and Bob does the same.

Chester quickly hands the milk to the Officer before running back to Mike and rejoining their hands.

They climb into Mike's car and Chester looks at him. "Why the fuck were you laughing so hard?" Mike snickers. "I was with the guys in a café and we fucked with this waiter.. I said that I wanted milk, yes that kind of milk but it was just a joke! Anyway she turned red and walked away, then you text me and you nearly get arrested for 'thieving' milk." Chester laughs and Mike shakes his head. "I wanted to die with laughter on the way here, but I could've actually died if I did so.." Chester sighs. "Hey.. Wait.. You skipped dinner with the guys to get milk?" Mike asks confused and Chester blinks.

He looks at Mike.

Something's wrong.

"Yeah.. I needed some desperately." And that was it, Chester turned to the window and Mike stared at him.

Something is defiantly wrong.

Mike opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
Something is holding him back..

So he closes his mouth and sighs silently. "Put your seatbelt on." Mike says quietly and Chester squeezes his eyes shut.

He opens them and does what Mike said, Mike did the same and he reverses.

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