Part 6

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Chester's POV

I watch as Mike's eyes close and I shake my head, I hiccup and I cover my mouth with tears streaming down my face.

How could this happen to him..?
He didn't need to get put through it! He does not need this!

"N-No one should ever need this..." I whisper, I look at the chair with blurry eyes and I close my eyes, I slowly sit down and I lean back.

"I'm so sorry Mr Bennington.." I open my eyes and I look at Doctor Chelsea who has been looking after Mike.

I force a smile and she smiles sadly at me. "Doctor Julia needs to speak to you.. Should I tell her later or...?" I look at Mike and I quickly wipe away my tears and nod. "Later.." I mutter in reply and she nods.

She walks out with a few doctors trailing behind her.

I hear the annoying heart monitor beep and his heart rate goes back to normal speed.

The one I used to listen too when I felt small..


I sigh and I walk in Mike's house. "Babe?" I call and I hear music. "In here!" I hear him call back and I smile a little, I follow the music and I walk into his bedroom.

I notice he moved things around and I see him laying on the bed.

My smile grows and I crawl on the bed, I crawl up to him and I lay my head on his chest, over his heart.

I curl up next to him and he curls up next to me. "Nuh uh! I'm stealing your spot for tonight." I say firmly and he huffs. "Fine." I smile in victory and I look up at him, I peck his lips and he smiles, I lay my head back down on his chest (in the same place) and I close my eyes.


--End Of Flashback--


I snap out of my thoughts and I look at him.

Chelsea had walked through the door.... Why the hell did he freak out like that..? I mean he was fine in one second and then the next he... Just...

I sigh and rub my eyes.

And... My main question about all of this is....

Who the fuck raped my Mikey?


I open the door and I shut it, I lock it behind me and I look around.

I bite my lip as the eerie silence surrounds me and I shiver.

His own home seems like a whole new place without him here..

I scratch my head and I put my keys on the set of draws next to the front door.

I take off my shoes and I unzip my jacket, I hang it on a peg and I walk into the living room, I glance at the kitchen.


I walk down the hallway and I enter our bedroom, I pull off my jogger pants and I pull off my t-shirt.

I see a long mirror at the side of the room and I look at myself.

Skinny like a skeleton..

Mike will be pissed when he finally realises..

And he'll blame himself and I would tell him that it wasn't his fault and that I had a choice to eat or not.....

And then I'll tell him the most corniest thing ever.

'No food has any taste without you Mikey!'

I chuckle and I crawl into bed, I get comfortable in the covers and I grab Mike's pillow, I wrap my arms around it and I push my nose against it, I inhale his scent and sigh heavily.

I'm so, so sorry you have to go through this Mikey...

"I love you Noda-Bear.." I sob quietly into the pillow.

Eventually after sobbing for hours, I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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