Chapter 11

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Your POV

I was sitting at Jacob's house on his couch under a cover by myself. I've been really depressed since Prod died. That made me hate Dwayne even more. It's all my fault he died. I shouldn't have been so loud and he wouldn't had to come and save me. Prod truly was the perfect best friend. He lost his life because of me. I remember the day we met.


I was twelve years old at the park playing basketball with Zonnique. She really didn't play all that good. Then this boy with a blonde mohawk came over to us.

" Hey. Can you guys move so me and my friends can play ball.? " he said pointing to his friends.

" I would but as you can see I'm playing. You can wait. " I said shooting the ball.

He snickered. " Girls can't play basketball.! " he laughed high-fiving his friends.

" Oh really. " I said. " Come on. Let's play one on one. Winner get's to keep the goal. " I said holding my hand out.

He looked at my hand. " You serious about playing me. "

" Dead serious. " I said with a straight face.

He looked at my hand again.

" What.? You scared. Little boy all talk and no game. " I said looking at Zonnique.

He grabbed my hand and shook it. " Ain't no body scared of you. I'll even let you get ball first. "

" Alright. Check it up. " I said checking the ball to him. He checked it back and we started our game.

I dribbled the ball and faked right and shot a three pointer. He looked at me crazy.

" Didn't know I could do that.? My ball. " he passed the ball to me. I dribbled around him and made a layup.

I ended up beating him 21-18. I passed him the ball.

" You can keep the court. I'm done now. " I said drinking my gatorade.

" Oh wow.! Your really good. I'm Craig. But call me Prod. " he said holding his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and shook it. " I'm YN. "

And from that moment on we were bestfriends. I introduced him to Nique and Bahja and we were inseperable.

**FlashBack Over**

I started to tear up again when Jacob came and pulled the covers off my head.

" Hey baby, how you doing. " he asked rubbing my back.

" Jacob , I just lost my bestfriend. How do you think I feel.? " I said hugging my knees to my chest.

" Babe. I'm really sorry. My mom got a call from his mom and said his funeral is today. Are you going.? "

" Of course I'm going Jacob. "

" Well you should go get ready because it starts at 1 and it's 11:30. "

" Oh shoot.! Thanks.! " I said running to the bathroom.

I took a shower and put on a black dress with black flats and black tights. I walked downstairs to see Jacob in some black jeans and a black polo.

" Are you ready.? " he asked.

" Yep. "

We drove to the funeral and I saw everyone from Prodigy's family. I first went over to Mama Wanda and Papa Craig. They had it harder than me loosing their first born son.

" Hey Mama. " I said hugging her.

" Hey YN. I'm so happy you could be here baby. " she said rubbing my face.

" Of course I'll be here Mama. For support for you and Papa Craig. And for Prod. " I said wiping some tears.

" Yeah. I think Jovantè is taking it hardest. " she said patting his back.

" Hey JoJo. How you doing.? " I asked.

" Good. I guess. " he said looking down.

I forgot how close him and Prod were. They were the best brothers. The time came for the funeral to start and I took a seat by Nique and Bahja. Jacob sat behind us. The pastor asked if anyone wanted to say anything on his behalf. I stood up and went to the podium.

" Hi everyone. " I started. " I'm YN as many of you already know. I was Prod's bestfriend. Um Prod was, an amazing person. We called him Prod because he could master anything in seconds. I remember this one time when me Nique Bahja and Prod all went swimming. We were doing a backflip off of the diving board , where you had to flip three times. None of us girls could do it. But Prod , he did it one time and got it done. " I said chuckling lightly. " Prod you will forever be missed. Rest in Paradise man. " I said stepping down. I joined Nique and Bahja back at our seats.

The service ended and every started leaving me and the girl went over to Mama Wanda.

" YN what you said up there was so beautiful. I remeber that day. Zonnique you busted your butt running out the pool. " she said wiping her tears.

" Yeah. No one will ever replace Prod's spot in our hearts. " she said.

" We love you mama. " Bahja said.

" I love you girls to. Don't forget to visit me now. " she said hugging us.

" Don't worry we wont. " I said hugging her back.

She walked away to join Jovantè and Papa Craig.

" Ok Nique are you sure Miss Tiny's okay with watching Jalin for a couple days.? " I asked.

" YN stop worrying. We know his schedule. Insulin before and after school. Take a break girl. " she said reassuring me.

" Okay , thanks girl. I owe you one. " I said walking away.

" Don't worry about it.! " she said smiling.

I walked away and joined Jacob at his car. He unlocked the doors and we got it.

" You ready YN.? " he asked.

" Yeah. I'm ready. "

We drove home and I took a shower and layed down. Moments later I felt Jacob come in and get in the bed.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and burried his head in my neck and mumbled.

" Goodnight. I love you. "

I ran my fingers through hair and said.

" I love you too. "

And with that we fell asleep.


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