The day am free from the hellhole...

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Recap- Ashley asks James about his crush but he resists on telling her. He burst out through the door only to find James mumbling to himself about something, ashley couldn't place a finger on.


Finally its the day i leave for Gale (for mum and dad) or Clifford (for real).
Grams made all the arrangement in Gale, so that mom and dad donot find out about our plan.
I had everything packed up into my suitcase, which will be taken care of by grams and all my boy stuff are handed over to James. He will be bringing them to me.

I kissed mom goodbye and left the goodbye letter to dad, as he was out of country.
I cleared all those thoughts away.

After 3 hours-

We are just few minutes away from Clifford boy's university.
We've crossed Clifford girls' half an hour ago.Vikk left for Clifford, the day before

We have James, granny me and rex in the car.

"When do we reach there?
I'm bored. My legs are going numb"
I said patting my legs

" stop being a cry baby shorty m, we're almost there.
By the way have you told your BOYFRIENDS about it right??"
James showed his teeth, grinning.

"You have a boyfriend?? Ashley, you never told me about it-"
Questioned granny

"No!! Grams i dont have I"
I clarified

"Donot believe her on this. Grams, she told me herself that I'm her best boyfriend "
James said making a heart shape with his hands.

" oh shut up , will you??"

"Hey guys we are here and dont forget James, its Archer not Ashley,
Cause if you show people your little show like this one, then you are going to be in trouble.
You know what i mean."
Said Rex seriously.

"Got it Rex, thank you so much"
Grams already went inside to talk to the management. Dont know why.

"So, this is it."
Said James stepping inside the large gate.
From there we have to get inside pick up van.
The van took us up the slope.
Clifford is situated in westwood region. Its damp most of the year. And comparatively cold.
After 10 minutes we stand infront of a huge buiding.
We make our way to the office. For the schedule and dorm information.
Grams had told me that me and james will be put into same dorm because in that way the secret will be safe.

We reach the reception to find a young lady. Name- stephanie morrels

"Hi I'm James and this is As-"
I grabbed James' hand and pulled him back

"I'm Archer, Archer Kingsley , schloarship student. Me and my friend wanted to know our schedule and our dorm no."

She nodded and searched through the some files and finally handed our schedules.

"And about dorm. At this moment we are unable to put you both in same cabin as requested.
So please just stay in different dorms till we get you both a dorm.

After few minutes if argument we agreed, james told me to sneak out of room whenever i feel awkward and we'll manage untill we get a dorm and she handed a paper about our dorms to someone, who showed us the way to our dorms.
At block B we found James' dorm. His roommate gregory, total nerd with thise big glasses.
James dropped hus luggage and again started following us to my dorm.
It was taking quite long.

"Where is my dorm"
I asked irritated. With a fake boyish accent.

"We are here"

We stood infront of a small cottage, really pretty. Its like the hansel and gretel home.

"Wow," i said

"Hey, why is as- i mean archer getting this cottage?"

"Because he has to deal with someone who never ever lasted more than two days with a roommate"
Said our escort.

"What do you mean"
I asked her

But the door to the cottage opened slowly-
Only to reveal a boy in towel,
Getush blonde hair, blue sparky eyes, smile-
Wait a sec.....



Hey guys!!
So, remember Calvin? The guy from the selection. Yeah you got that right. And he is going to be Ashley's dormmate..
What will be the consequences??
I'm thinking of Ryan Cooper as Calvin. What say??

Will update soon.
Sorry for a short chapter.
I'm feeling sleepy, so couldnt update properly.
Ignore the spelling mistakes please. I'll do the editing ASAP
Good night

She is milady!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن