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Hello everyone,

So this is the new cover for my book!
How's it??



I woke up to the sound of a loud 'thudd'

"What's going on?" I asked

"You're asking me?
We have our first practice match today. In about.....
Well 5 minutes. See you and the late bench"
Calvin said fanning his hand in air and went out through the door.

I quickly rushed to do my morning routine, took a wuick shower and went out to search the ground/ football field.
I texted James on the way to wait near his dorm.

We met near his dorm.
"Hey Ash, i need to tel you something-"
Said james in a hushed tone.

"We can talk later, we've got only 1 minute left. Hurry up"
I pulled James by his arms and didn't listen to him.
Which i guess I'm gonna regret.

We reached the ground 3 minutes late.

"Coach we're really sorry, we couldn't find the ground"
I said, panting.

"No excuses Mr. Kingsley, both of you can take your seat at that bench."
Said coach jeffery.
Well yes he is one of the finest coach and still have a physique of someone suitable calling "uncle james"
Do you get it?
We if not then, he is very short man to be a footballer with a blunt nose and bald head and pot belly.

"But sir-"
I tried to argue but soon i was interjected by someone

"Coach jeffery let them in the game for this once. They are really sincere students.
I can assure you that they won't be late again ever.
Isn't it boys?
Said Mr. Ackles with emphasis on Boys and winked at James.
I looked at James and he looked at me. Totally saying -'toldya i had something to tell you'

"Fair enough. Mr. Kingsley you go be the goalkeeper and Mr. Murray you go and take place in the front."
Said Coach Jeffery

"Yes coach!"
We both said in unison and rushed to our places.

"Ready!! Play!"
Said Mr. Ackles, whistling. Indicating the starting of the match.

I was in group B and James was in group A with Calvin.

Everyone started passing the ball to each other.
I've defended 2 goals till now and one of them was by James.
Our team could succeed one goal
The score was 1-0
There was only 5 minutes left for the game. And i could see Calvin approaching me with the ball. He must be frustrated at the scores and in a flick of second

"Ouchh" I growled in pain
He hit the ball directly towards my direction and it hit me on the head.
James rush towards me.

"You okay?" He asked
I nodded
Coach asked me to go to the nurse's but i denied.

As Calvin succeeded in his goal, there was a tie.
Time for penalty shootouts..
First came James.
I was positioning myself to block the goal
But as soon as the ball travels in my direction, my vision blurred out and then i came to my senses only to the sound of the whistles. Declaring - Goal.
"Shit!!!" I mumbled

Our team could succeed 3 goals while group A was at 2.
Next came Calvin, Again.
Oh god i think he'll kill me one day by knocking me up in every way possible.

Calvin took his position while i did the same.
He kicked the ball to my left and there worked reflex action.
I directed its way towards the goal post and from there it gets directed in calvin's direction...


It directly hit his face and there lies mighty calvin, unconsciously.

"Tit for tat"
I mumbled to myself

"You know its not good to be happy when someone else is in trouble"
I turned around and find mr. Ackles
I tried defending myself but he cut me off

" meet me at cafeteria today at 5. Bring your boy with you. James, right?
Mm see you then"

With that he left.
What's with this person. He's been so helpful but somethings so eerie about him.

Everyone took Calvin out of the ground and group B was declared as winners.
We were all distributed our jerseys and kit bags. Coach gave us our practice schedule.

We all went to our dorms.
everyone wanted to rest today, as tomorrow classes are gonna start.

I told James about mr. Ackles and he told me about his encounter with mr. Ackles.
We both agreed to meet each other an hour ago of mr. Ackles and resolve something out.
We bid our farewell and head towards our dorms.

On my way i started thinking about mr. Ackles.
I'm sure that he wants something out of me. Oh god
Please dont let him harm me and my family.
Even though we are not anymore living like a family but still he is my dad and i cant deny the fact that i still love him a lot.

I reached our dorm and opened the door and close it behind me.

"Hey Calvin, dude i'' so sorry. Are you- ....... AAAAHHHH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
I exclaimed to find out Calvin sticking up my tampons in his nose

"What dude? Why you being so shellfish, you want to use them all by yourself huh?
That's not cool bro. It's you, who told me that you use them in your nosebleed. And dude you were right these are amazingly super absorbent "
Said calving, removing a tampon from his left nostril.

" hey! Those were my sisters, and that's the last thing i wanted to see. You sticking up my sister's tampons up your nostrils"
I said whatever came to my mind at that moment.

"Oh come on dude its not like I'm using her used up-"
I interrupted

"Eww Calvin, stop already"
I said making a disgusted face.

"Anyway, i see movies and there I've seen sometimes people using this thinks for nosebleed and-"

"Okay Calvin enough of tampon talks."

"Haha as you wish shortpants"
And with that he left the dorm.

Hey guys!!.
So what do you thing Mr. Ackles is upto??

Next update coming up soon.

Good night guys
Much love❤️

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