Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV

"Why does everyone hate me so much!?" I asked myself with frustration. I kicked a pebble that was on the path. It didn't go very far so I kicked it again. This time it went farther and off to the side and hit a tree. I looked around the woods I was in. It's still light outside and it's not like anyone will be mad if I don't get home at a certain time. I keep walking and smell something strange. I turned the corner to see someone lying in a puddle of blood in the middle of the path. "Are you okay!?" I asked as I ran over to them. They didn't answer. Are they dead? "I'll be right back." I told them, even though they were unconcious. I know who can help, the only person who would even listen to me.

Iruka's POV

"Is he even trying to pass the academy?" I'm grading the last quiz we took in class and came across Naruto's. He only answered one of the questions correctly, the others were just random guesses and doodles. Why can't Naruto be more like Sasuke, or even Kiba, at least they try.
"Iruka-sensei!" Someone's calling me? It sounds like Naruto. Great, this is the perfect oportunity for me to lecture him on studying for quizzes. "Iruka-sensei, come quick I have to show you something!" Naruto exclaimed as he burst into the room. He looked exhausted like he'd been either running or training, hopefully it was the latter.
"Just a minute Naruto..." I say to him. "I need to discuss with you the importance of studying."
"Not now sensei, it's an emergency." He gasps, trying to catch his breath. An emergency? What kind of emergency? I don't want to believe him in case I make a fool of myself... but what if someone needs serious help?
"This better not be one of your pranks" I say to him as I stand up. He looks relieved.
"Hurry this way!" He says before running back out the door. I follow him and he leads me through some woods. He slows down and I get ready for the posibility that it is in fact a prank. There's a corner in the path up ahead and I can't see anything through the trees and shrubbery. I smell something, it smells like blood. We turn the corner and I see a child lying in a pool of blood. They look to be around the same age as Naruto and the others in my class at the academy, but it's hard to tell because of the dirt on their face. There was blood on their clothes near their middle like they had been stabbed. I looked closer and saw that their clothes were torn in the spot that appeared to be the origin of the blood. "We need to get them to the hospital." I say to Naruto. He nods and I pick up the child and run them to the hospital with Naruto close behind.

Naruto POV

I didn't go home until the nurse at the hospital told me that the kid would be okay. She said I could visit them tomorrow. As I'm walking home, I pass Ichiraku's. "That's where I'll take them first." I said to myself. Everyone should be able to taste Ichiraku ramen at some point. I continue with a smile on my face as I walked the rest of the way home.

Sakura POV

"Thank you!" I called back into the store I had just come out of. I was getting stuff to make Sasuke a present. Ohhh... I just can't wait to give it to him.
(Sakura's daydream)
"Here you go Sasuke, I made this just for you!" I say.
"Thank you Sakura, I've always wanted something like this." Sasuke replies in his cool, gentle voice.
(Back in reality)
"I really hope he likes it!" I say as I start to walk home. I passed Naruto, who for some reason had a big smile on his face. I stopped and watched him for a bit then turned and kept going. What could be making him look so happy?

Naruto's POV

I wake up and look around my room for minute. I get up and get dressed. I think today is important. I eat breakfast as I think about it "That's right!" I said. "Today I can go visit the kid I found in the woods yesterday!" I quickly finished eating and ran out the door. "Whoops! Almost forgot to lock it." I ran to the hospital and went to the front desk.
"Who did you come to see?" She asked me.
"Uhh..." I don't know their name. I don't even know if they're a boy or girl! "The kid that came in yesterday..."
"The patient in room 103" a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw the nurse from yesterday, she was holding a clipboard. "I can take him, I was just on my way there anyway." She says, to my relief.
"Have a nice day" the lady at the desk says. I follow the nurse to room 103. She opens the door and walks over to the bed and starts checking stuff and writing on her clipboard. I walk over to the kid that I hoped could be my friend Now that all the dirt is gone, I can actually get a good look at them. They have short shaggy brown hair, about to the bottom of their ears and bangs that go almost to the tip of their nose. I still can't tell if they're a boy or girl. I sit in the chair next to the bed.
"I have to go now, I'll be back in about 5 minutes or so." the nurse said as she left. I looked back at the person on the hospital bed. I reach out my hand to their's and as soon as I touch their hand, their hand twitches and they sleepily sit up.
"Where...?" they said. They looked around the room and then at me. "You...?" Their voice kinda sounds like a girl's, okay I guess that's what I'm going with. A smile slowly came to her face. She jump out of the bed and hugged me, knocking me and the chair backwards. She started laughing and wouldn't let go. I hugged her back and also started laughing. The nurse came back in with a man who looked like they were a doctor. The look on his face told me that there was something wrong. I stopped laughing and so did the girl. She looked over at the doctor and hid behind me.
"I thought you said she would never wake up!" The nurse said to the doctor, shocked.
"That's because she wasn't supposed to." he said. He looked confused as well. "Although she didn't have any actual injuries, but her brain activity was too low to be able to come back. She was supposed to be in a coma the rest of her life." I looked behind me at the girl, she looked scared.
"It's okay." I told her. "It's just the doctor and the nurse, they made you better."
"No... you." She said with a confused look on her face. "Doctor... nurse... they... not." why is she talking like that? And what is she talking about?

Hokage POV

"So she was supposed to be in a coma for the rest of her life" I asked. The doctor nodded. I looked over at the young girl sitting in a chair looking around my office. She looked healthy enough to me. "So where did she come from?"
"We don't know, she won't tell us anything, she just looks at us confused." the doctor said.
"Do you know, Naruto?" I asked him. He was sitting on a chair next to the girl.
"No. I was just walking through the woods and found her in the middle of the path. But she looked like she was dead because of all the blood."
"Blood?" I looked over at the doctor.
"We don't know where it came from. The ninja that brought her to the hospital with him said that she was probably stabbed or something. When we examined her, her clothes were torn and bloody like there was a major wound. But there wasn't one. She was perfectly healthy besides the fact that she wouldn't wake up." The doctor explained.
"Then how did she wake up?" I asked him. He shook his head like he didn't know. All heads turned to Naruto and the girl. "Naruto?"
"I didn't do anything, except for touching her hand." Naruto said it as if he were in trouble. The girl had stopped looking around the room when Naruto had started talking. She looked from him to me then back to him?
"Who him?" She asked Naruto.
"He's the Hokage." Naruto answered her. "One day I'll be the Hokage. Believe it!"
"Believe it!" she repeated smiling.
"What is your name little one?" I asked her.
"Name?" she asked confused. Does she not remember anything? I can't do anything about her memory and it seems that she likes Naruto. I'll have her be with him for now, it'll be good for him.

Naruto POV

"I'm going to have her be with you for now." the Hokage told me. "Bring her back here at 7:00 tonight so I can check up on her. She seems to like you Naruto." I looked over at the girl she was smiling at me. I looked back at the Hokage.
"Okay." I said. Today was going to be great, and I could take her to Ichiraku's!
"I would like you to come back at that time as well." the Hokage said to the doctor.
"I will then." the doctor replied.
"You are all dismissed. Oh and Naruto, could you take her back to the hospital to get her clothes? She probably shouldn't be walking around the village in hospital clothes."
"Okay." I answered. We followed the doctor back to the hospital and the girl got her original clothes back which were a dark blue shirt, dark blue jacket, and black pants. She was told to go change in the bathroom, but didn't know what it was. The nurse that had been monitoring her earlier helped her change. When she came out, we said thank you to the nurse and left. I noticed that her shirt was still torn a little in the middle where the blood had been coming from."You should zip up your jacket." I said. She just looked at me confused. "Here." I reached over and she let me zip up her jacket. "Are you hungry?" I asked her as we were walking down the street.
"Hungry." she answered nodding her head. We walked to Ichiraku Ramen and walked in.
"Hello there Naruto. Who's your friend?" Teuchi asked.
"This is..." oh wait she doesn't know her name. I looked over at her, she was curiously looking around the shop. "Well... she's new to the village and she doesn't remember anything, not even her name. So I don't know her name."
"Well then you should help her come up with a name." Teuchi said with a smile. That's a good idea. "Would you two like some ramen?"
"Yes please." I answered. I got out my wallet, and looked in. This is barely enough for one bowl. "Sorry I can't pay." I said disappointed.
"That's alright, it's on the house." Teuchi said, putting two bowls of ramen out for us.
"Thanks for the food!" I say as I jump up to the chair. The girl climbed up on her chair. Looked over at me eating then back at her ramen.
"Thanks for food!" she said. She picked up her chopsticks like I had done and tried to eat her food. The noodles kept falling off of them because she was using one chopstick in each hand instead of two in one.
"Here, it's like this." I showed her how to hold chopsticks correctly. She tried again but didn't hold them tight enough so they fell out of her hand. She picked them back up and did it again. This time she was able to get noodles between them and into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed the noodles and smiled.
"Thanks for food!" she said again Teuchi and I laughed as she kept eating her ramen. I went back to eating and we finished at the same time. I put my chopsticks across my bowl and said thanks for the food again. The girl did the same and we left Ichiraku's. "Where go now?" she asked me.
"Let's go to the woods, there's a clearing with a log that I like to go to." I answered. She nodded and we started walking towards the path to the woods.

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