Chapter 2

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Sasuke's POV

I was out getting lunch when I saw Naruto walking with a kid that I've never seen before. They seemed to be having fun together, just walking and talking. Who walks and talks with Naruto, and has fun with it?

Naruto POV

We walked to the forest, the same path I was taking yesterday. We got to the corner where I had found her. Someone had cleaned up the blood. She was looking around. I stopped walking and she stopped too. "This where you found me?" She asked.
"Yeah, this is where I found you." I answered. How did she know, I hadn't told her yet. "Do you remember?"
"No, but... looks... familiar." she said. We kept walking and got to the clearing that I had told her about. She ran over to the log and I followed. "This is... log." she said smiling.
"That's right" I said. She ran around naming things that she hadn't remembered before. Tree, rock, grass. She looked up at the sky.
"Clouds?" she asked me.
"Mm hm." I answered. She was remembering stuff! I sat on the log and she sat with me. "We need to think of a name for you." I said.
"Name? What someone calls you?" she asked.
"Yeah. How about... Yuki?" she shook her head. "Miko?" same. "Akira?" another no. I looked at her she was smiling and watching me intently. She looked like she thought this was fun. "Fumei?" Instead of an immediate no, she thought about it.
"Fumei!" she said excitedly.
"Fumei, will you be my friend?" I asked.
"Yes! Naruto and Fumei are friends!" Fumei answered.

Iruka POV

"So how is she doing?" I asked.
"It's almost time for them to be back." Third Hokage said. "Why don't you ask her yourself?" She's already better!? There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Third Hokage said. Naruto and the girl walked in. The girl was smiling, Naruto seemed happy as well. "So, did you come up with a name yet?" A name? How is she even walking around right after losing that much blood!?
"Fumei, my name is Fumei." the girl said. Did Naruto help her come up with it?
"She's remembering stuff now too." Naruto said. "Not stuff about her life, just like the names of things and stuff."
"How is she okay?" I asked the doctor who had come to check on Fumei.
"I don't know myself actually." he answered. "She was supposed to be in a coma for the rest of her life but... she woke up instead. This boy was with her when she woke up." he added gesturing to Naruto.
"Naruto?" I asked. Naruto just shook his head like he didn't know either.
"I'd like to try something." Third Hokage said. "Fumei come here." Fumei looked over at Naruto.
"It's alright." Naruto told her. She walked over to the desk. "Thank you, now don't turn around." He motioned for Naruto to leave. He looked confused but did as he was told. As soon as the door shut, although I made no noise in doing so, Fumei turned around and looked panicked.
"Naruto?" she said in a small voice. She looked around the room then ran to the door. She opened it, when she saw Naruto, she calmed down. How did she know he was gone?
"We'll keep how and where she was found a secret between us five for now." Third Hokage said. I nodded and the doctor did the same. I looked over at Naruto and Fumei. Could it be that she wasn't actually wounded? Or did she just heal that fast? Either way I can see why the hokage wants to keep it a secret. "Iruka, I want you to have her in your class at the academy. It will be easier to monitor her there. She could learn there too, maybe remember more." I looked back to the hokage.
"Where is she going to live?" I asked.
"With Naruto." Fumei said. I was a little surprised, then I realized that she didn't really have anywhere else to go. Naruto lives by himself anyway.
"Are you okay with that Naruto?" Hokage asked him.
"Yeah." Naruto said with a smile. He seemed exited to have a new friend. That is, if he has any friends besides Fumei. I just hope she doesn't pick up on his getting into trouble.

Naruto's POV

When we got home I showed Fumei around my house, well it's our house now. I had an extra room, but it didn't have a bed or anything. "Uh... I'll be right back." I said. I ran to a closet with blankets and pillows and brought back a few of each. I helped her set up a makeshift bed. It turned out better than I had thought. "That'll have to work until we can get you a real bed."
"Okay." Fumei said. She needed new clothes or at least a new shirt. I went to my room and brought back a black shirt.
"Here, you should probably change your shirt." I said handing it to her. "You might get too hot in that jacket." She looked at me confused and I reminded her that her shirt was torn. I left the room to let her change. Hopefully she didn't forget how to change her shirt. When she came out, she had my shirt on right. Fumei left her jacket and shirt in the corner of her room. We went to the kitchen and had a dinner of instant ramen. I showed her how to make it and told her that you have to wait a few minutes so you don't burn your tongue. After dinner, she went to the bathroom. I'm glad she remembered how because it would have been awkward for me to try to help her. She went to her room and I let her borrow some of my pajamas to sleep in. Fumei fell asleep quickly and I went to bed as well. We're both going to school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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