Broken [Dark Zayn Malik Fanfic]

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"People come and go in our lives, Zayn." Liam spatted. "But we have to stay strong and fight!" He added and patted my back.

"How did you feel when Dani broke up with you Liam?" I looked up at him. He turned his gaze, staring at the floor. "Empty? Broken? Lost?" I asked raising my voice. "Cause that's how I feel!"

"You just need some time..." He mumbled without taking his eyes off the floor.

"No!" I shook my head. "I don't need time. I need her..." I stood up grabbing my jacket. "And what kills me the most, is that I'll never be able to have her again. Ever." I stormed out of Liam's house, slamming the door closed behind me.

I looked up at the grey sky starring at the thick dark clouds that were forming. A single drop of water fell right above my cheek trailing down my ushaved cheek, leaving me thinking that even the weather was fitting perfectly to my mood. I dragged my feet making my way to the nearest park and I sat down on a bench closing my eyes. Her face, her laugh, the moments we had together were keep playing in my mind causing a weak smile curve to my lips, but then her last words echoed in my head like a broken tape.

'I'm dying in this relationship Zayn! I don't feel the same way anymore. My love for you is over...'

Hot tears were now streaming down my face, not caring to control my emotions anymore. A loud lighting flashed, followed by a loud thunder echoing as the storm came, causing people running up and down the park in different directions. I just sat there not moving a muscle. At least now noone will notice me crying...

I'm alone.

Ok so here it is! The prologue (more like a spoiler) of my new book. I want to say a massive thank you to my girl Jas (@JasmineLadher) for helping me with this and supporting me. Thank you Xx 

Please follow/vote/comment and spread the world if you liked it!!

(Chapter 1 will be up soon...)

Broken [Dark Zayn Malik Fanfic] *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now