Chapter 1

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I walk down the hallways of school and of course, I get stared at.

The new girl always gets stares on her first day. 

I look down at my new schedule and squint to read the tiny print. 7th period biology. I perk my head back up as I notice I have to go to one of my favorite subjects. I quickly look down each hall to find the room number, avoiding hitting shoulders with as much people as possible. Soon enough, a huge jock crosses my path and bumps right into me causing me to fall on my bum. 

"Need help?" A low, husky voice asks me, grabbing my arm. I look up to see a boy with a head of curls and bright green eyes. Not what i expected from his voice. I take time to admire his outfit: a dark gray sweater, tight black jeans, brown ankle boots and black beanie. To be honest, I don't think any other guy would be able to pull this look off. The boy then bends down a bit to get my attention.

"Yeah i actually do." I chuckle and stand back on my feet. I look out of the corner of my eye to see a few girls looking at me and whispering. I shake my head and look back down at my schedule. "Room 332?" 

"Well, all rooms three-hundred and above would be on floor three." He raises his eyebrows at my stupidity. I look at a sign to my left that reads Floor 2. I feel my face grow red and I shyly look back down at the paper. 

"I'ts okay." The boy laughs. "I was a little lost on my first day too." He grabs my forearm and leads me down the hall and into the stairwell. The bell rang so there's not as much kids in the hall now. I'm sure my teacher won't mind if I'm late on my first day.

We walk up the stairs slowly and I turn my face towards him. Wow, he has a gorgeous jawline. The boy turns his head and I quickly turn away, hoping he didn't notice me staring. 

"Oh, I'm Harry, by the way." Harry smiles, exposing his dimples. 

"I'm Georgia Rose." I flash him smile. We both walk down the hall and I hold up my head, reading the room numbers as we pass.

 Finally, room 332. 

"Hey," Harry grabs my arm and stops me from walking. "you should sit with me at lunch next period." he grins. 

Woah, sitting with a cute guy at lunch already. Score. I take a few seconds to answer as the late bell rings. 

"Well i'll see ya at lunch?" Harry asks, walking backwards. 

"See ya at lunch." I weakly smile and turn into biology. 

There's just something about that boy...

- Georgia Rose -Where stories live. Discover now