Chapter 2

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The bell rings and the whole class quickly packs up their stuff and rushes out of the classroom to lunch. I have no idea where the cafeteria is. This school looks like an airport, so I just follow the crowd. 

I finally make my way into the giant cafeteria and search the room for a head of curls. I jump as I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I find a pale boy with a blonde quiff and amazing blue eyes. 

"Ah, you must be who Harry is talking about!" He smiles widely, exposing his perfectly straight teeth. 

"Um, he told me to sit with him at lunch today." I bluntly say, but I think he already knew. 

"Follow me right this way." He grins and turns around, letting me follow him around a few tables. His accent is truly amazing. After dodging a few people holding trays, I follow the blonde boy to a table filled with 5 boys and 3 girls. My eyes stop moving once they land on a brunette boy with an exposed tic-tac-toe board tattoo. Wow, he's hot. 

"Georgia! You found us!" Harry says happily and gestures for me to sit next to him. I chuckle lightly and swing my legs around the bench and sit a little to close to Harry. 

"Sorry we're a little smushed. There is only eight people aloud to a table, but since you're new I'll think the principal will let it slide." A girl with black hair and hazel eyes says to me from across the table. "Oh, I'm Ariana by the way." She smiles. 

"Georgia." I smile back and look at everyone at the table. 

"Let me introduce you." The blonde boy next to me says in a 'game show host' voice, making me laugh.

"Well first, I'm Niall. The hottest boy you'll ever see in your life. And that" he point's to Harry. "is Haz. The cheeky one. Right across from me," Niall points to a boy with lots of tattoos and his black hair quiffed up.

"That's Zayn Malik. The mysterious one." He says jokingly. "Next to him is Liam Payne. The boy who will never even hurt a fly." Liam rolls his eyes at Niall and takes a bite of his baby carrot, making me chuckle.

"Ah, who could forget Louis." Niall points to the boy with the tic-tac-toe board tattoo. I don't know why, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. His eyes were beautiful, his teeth were perfectly straight, and the way he just laughed melted my heart. I looked at Harry next to me, who is almost the same description I just said of Louis. Maybe I like Louis, cause he reminded me so much of Harry. I shake my head out of the thought as I hear Niall talking. "Captain of the football team and the hilarious one." 

"Um, did you forget someone?" A girl with bright red hair and big brown eyes sitting next to Niall clears her throat.

"Oh, and you." Niall rolls his eyes but the girl elbows him in the stomach and laughs. "Just kidding babe. Georgia, this is my amazing girlfriend of eight months, Cat." 

"I love your hair!" I smile at her. I really do love it. 

"Aw thanks!" She smiles back. 

"Oh," Zayn says loudly, making everyone turn their heads. "This is my girlfriend of TEN months, Ariana." Zayn teases Niall.

"We introduced ourselves earlier." I chuckle and Ariana gives Zayn a confused look. Niall sticks his tongue out at Zayn and the whole table laughs at their childness. 

"Knock Knock !" Harry perks up out of nowhere, causing me to jump.

"Who's there?" The whole table says not very enthused. I'm guessing they heard this before.

"Harry." Harry grins, making me get butterflies. What? No! I can't get butterflies over some guy I haven't even known for a day.

"Harry who?" The table says in sync, curious than before.

- Georgia Rose -Where stories live. Discover now