Chapter 4

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As we continue dancing and singing along to every line of the song, I notice how dark it is outside. I step away from the dancing and pull Harry with me. 

"It's kinda late .. Can you drive me home?" I shyly ask. I hate not being home when it's dark out.

"Sure." He smiles. We both wave goodbye to everyone and head back to his car. As we get in, Harry asks me a question.

"Hey Rose? Can i ask you something?" 

"Sure go ahead." I buckle my seat belt. It sounds so weird being called Rose by anyone other than my family, but I like that it's Harry.

"Um, how much do you like me?" 

"Harry, i love you. I just kissed you for crying out loud" I chuckle. Why would he even ask?

"Well I love you too." He chuckles back and pulls out of the driveway.


"Thanks Haz." I smile and pull him in for a hug. By far, Harry hugs are my favorite hugs.

"See ya in the morning." I hear him say as he rubs my back. We both let go and I smile before climbing out.

I walk inside my house and walk upstairs. 

"How was it?" My mom asks me.

"Great. But i'm really tired." I yawn and sit on my bed. 

"Good, cause you have school tomorrow. Harry's driving you?" she leans on my door frame.

"Yeah." I smile happily.

"He's such a nice boy." She smiles back, and walks away.

Yeah , he really is a nice boy.


After I'm done getting ready for school, I walk outside and see Harry already waiting in his car. I take notice of his appearance as he's wearing a white t-shirt, really tight black jeans as always, and his usual beat up ankle boots and his hair pushed back in a American flag bandana. 

"You look nice today." He says sarcastically as all I'm wearing is a tight white shirt, sweatpants and Adidas slides.

"I try." I smirk at him. "The bandana's new." I chuckle and poke it.

"Hey, watch the hair." He points at me and smirks. What a pansy.

Harry turns up the radio, and we both sing along to 'Titanium.' 

"You can sing?" He looks at me and I blush.

"I guess. I know YOU can cause I hear you in music class." I giggle. 

We both sing along to a few more songs before pulling up into school.

As we're walking through the main entrance, Harry turns his head towards me. I can't stop admiring how he looks in a bandana. 

"Yanno the song we danced all night and knew every line to last night?" 

"Yeah why?" I look at him, still walking.

"We knew every line, but now I cant remember how it goes...." He points out. "But I know that I won't forget about last night ... ever." He smiles.

"Yeah. Neither can I...."

- Georgia Rose -Where stories live. Discover now