1: The Beginning

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    The sunlight offered warmth and energy, of which many of the dandelion's neighbors accepted. The dandelion itself took little, though. It was near the end of it's life. The main plant would soon wither away to sleep until the sun nudged it's roots awake once again to bloom. But for now, it's main job was to motivate the little ones to go where the wind took them.

Now the breeze blew gently, whispering encouragements to the young seeds. Some went willingly to follow the voices and some went away to follow their brothers and sisters. Others were still asleep or not quite ready to let go.

The next day, the wind repeated it's actions, singing softly so the tiniest seeds would wake up. The breeze lulled others to their destiny and carried them safely to their future. The youngest ones weren't allowing the wind to carry them away yet, though the murmerings of the air swayed them, they held fast.

A rumbling vibrated through the meadow the next day. A long dark shadow was cast over the dandelion, and pink chubby fingers reached out to grab the plant. The dandelion parted with it's roots gladly to enjoy it's freedom before it wilted. However, the young seeds were afraid, and quivered on their own accord.

"Would you like to be a part of my wish?" The young voice asked quietly.

The seeds suddenly knew what they were waiting for.

The child wished for his mother to be happy and for his father to come home from a place called War, and blew the seeds with his breath. All the brothers and sisters of the dandelion let go at once, allowing the wind to take them.The seeds could see just then that two larger likenesses of the child came over the hill and into the field of flowers. The largest adult human was wearing the colors of the earth, and the smaller adult human wore a large tearful smile.

The child ran to his parents and into their arms. The reunion even made the seeds puff with joy as they were carried away by the gentle breeze...

The Destiny of the Dandelion SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now