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Jeff (pov) 

*The next morning* 

I woke up from a dreamless sleep as I stretch out on my bed "ugh I need a shower" I reeked. After I take a quick shower I head back to my room and put on a red t-shirt and black jeans. I then walk downstairs and go into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee I actually used to hate the stuff. But slendy made me drink it every morning for a month so i'd actually wake up now i'm hooked. "I don't see how you drink that" ben says walking in he had on jeans and a green long sleeved shirt under a black t-shirt. "Don't blame me blame slendy for getting me hooked" he shrugged and grabbed a coke from the fridge.

"So did the cameras detect anything?" I ask as he sits across from me. "Not exactly but one suddenly went dead last night it's probably nothing but we should still check" I nod in agreement better safe than sorry. We end up eating waffles for breakfast again because they kick ass and after we clean up decide to go check the camera. I walk upstairs and put on my white hoodie and some steel toed boots. I walk out of my room just as ben shuts his door he had on a green jacket, green converse and his laptop case was over his shoulder. "Alright lets go" we walk outside to the mustang "so where is it?" I ask starting the car. Ben gets his laptop out and types some stuff up "smack dab in the middle of downtown" just great. He gives me directions as we drive and it ends up taking 25 minutes because of all the turns we had to take. When we got there I took a look around not a lot of people were out yet. The camera was in the middle of a 10 foot pole next to an abandoned looking building. "Jeff watch my back while I check this" he says walking to the camera. I turn around to face the street and stuff my hands in my hoodie pocket my hands touching my knife.

After a minute I hear him groan "what is it" I ask glancing back "all of the convective wires have been cut". He holds up a few small wires from the back of the camera. "So this wasn't an accident" I ask "doesn't look like it" he says opening his laptop case. He pulls out his laptop and a cord he connects one end to the camera and the other to his laptop. "Hopefully the memory is still salvageable" he then begins to attempt to download the footage. I looked back out at the street and waited for him to finish which took about 10 minutes. "Well it did get something but there's a lot of static" he says putting his stuff up.

"Well should we check the building?" I ask he nods and we sneak in through a door in the side. "I thought this place was abandoned" I say taking a look around it looked all neat and clean. "Hey jeff come look at this" ben says he's standing next to a bookcase. I walk over and see scuff marks on the floor coming from it's right side "looks like it's been moved a lot" I say running my hands over them they felt slightly indented. He puts his ear against its side and knocks on it a few times "sounds hollow on the other side". He pulls his ear back and I decide to call slendy to see what he makes of this. 

*phone call*

Slendy: Yes, what is it jeff? 

Me: Me and ben are at this building that looked abandoned from the outside. But from the looks of the inside it isn't. 

Slendy: Go on. 

Me: Well there's this bookcase that looks like its been moved a lot and it sounds hollow on the other side. 

I hear him say something but I can't make it out. 

Slendy: What's the address? 

Me: Uhh 2987 wilcos st. 

Slendy:Alright i'll have masky run a background check on the place. For now you and ben just head back to the house. 

*end phone call*

With that he hung up "what'd slendy say?" ben asks "he says he'll have masky do a background check on it and for us to head back to the house". We get in the car and drive back to the house when we get back ben immediately goes up to his room. "What's the hurry?" I ask following him "something about this doesn't add up" he says setting up his laptop. "What do you mean" I ask sitting next to him "I mean the time it goes glitchy is an hour before it goes dead". I was confused "it means there were two instances of people messing with it the second being more crude" he explains sensing my confusion. 

*30 minutes later* 

"God damnit make sense!" ben yells at his laptop for the 5th time he can't figure out that glitch. I put a hand on his shoulder "ben calm down you need a break" he glared at me. "No I need to figure this out" he turns to the screen again but before his hands touch the keys I use my right hand and shut it. "No break now" I say making him get up and usher him out of the room shutting the door. When we get downstairs he goes and sits on the and I walk over to the tv. We keep a few gaming systems along with copies of our favorite games in the places we use in overrealm slendy doesn't know though we snuck them in. "Ben it's sad when I have to tell you to play a video game" I hand him sn Xbox remote and turning it on.

Ben (pov) 

*1 hour later* 

"Dude shoot that cop" jeff yells I was playing grand theft auto IV and was on the mission where you pull a bank heist with packie. "Jeff I know what i'm doi......... DAMNIT packie you dumbass" the idiot just got killed which ment mission failed. "Why are the non playable charecters so stupid" I grumble as it exits the mission. Jeff laughs and ruffles my hair "see I told you that you needed a break so you gonna admit I was right". I rolled my eyes at him "no way in hell" next thing I know i'm pulled on my side. "What the fuckery jeff" his arms were wrapped around me so i'm pretty much immobile. "I'll let you go when you admit i'm right" he says with a cheeky grin. great just great. "Fine you're right" I say quietly "what was that I couldn't hear you" He says. "I SAID YOU'RE RIGHT" he burst out laughing then gives me a peck on the cheek. "I heard you the first time I just wanted to see if you'd say it again" he lets me go.

I sock him in the arm "I swear you can be so immature" "well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black". That's when an idea struck me "i've got it" I yell jumping into the tv and zipping up to my room. "Prepare to be powned you stupid glitch" I said getting to work on my laptop. "Looks like someone had an idea" jeff said walking in "you know it i've been approaching this all wrong". He sits next to me "care to elaborate" I smirk "i've been trying to fix this in every way but one". Jeff motions for me to continue "I haven't tried fixing it like the person who did it has my skill set". I go to work even though this person has some of the same skills I do I can tell i'm way better than them. After about a minute I have it fixed "ok now lets see who didn't wanna be seen" I say starting from the beginning. When it got to the point where it went all glitchy several monsters in their illusion forms passed by. "So we got rake, scarecrow and THAT STUPID BASTARD RED" he pissed me off as much as jane pissed off jeff.

"You ok ben?" jeff asks looking at me I take a breath and close my eyes. "I'm fine I just think he should go jump in a pit of lava is all" I say opening my eyes jeff chuckles and stands up. "Well it's 1:45 so i'm pretty sure that means lunch come on" we walk downstairs and I make ramen chicken noodle soup because jeff is being lazy. "So if they made it go glitchy who cut the wires?" jeff asks as we sit in the living room to eat. I shrug "probably just a couple of punks" we watch tv until 4:00 when that movie rubber comes on. "Dude this movie makes no sense" jeff yells that's when I get an evil idea. I run up to my room and grab my stash then go downstairs and sneak behind jeff. "Hey jeff" he turns around and I smash a handful of it in his face sweet sweet vengeance. "Ben I swear when i'm in my right mind you're gonna get it" he says as the drug takes effect. I laugh and rub some in my eyes this should be an interesting movie for once.

* Wow I never expected so many reads comments and votes. So I have another question concerning the soul eater story i'm working on. Me being the indecisive person I am can't decide what guy to use so if you could leave an opinion i'd appreciate it. Also my new cover is courtesy of ZakuroTheShadowBeast. Anyhoo as always rate, comment, follow and by all means spread the word*

An unnatural love story (Jeff the killer x ben drowned)Where stories live. Discover now