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When they came inside the apartments, they noticed that Thomas was gone.

"Where'd he go?" Jackie asked as they headed upstairs.

Sean shrugged. "Not sure."

Opening the door to his room, he looked back at Daryl. "Pick a room you're gonna stay in."

"Why not my own?" Daryl asked.

"Because this is what you get for staying with us now pick a damn room." Bridget said seriously.

Glancing back at her, he headed to Sean and Lily's room, pushing past them, the crossbow almost hitting Sean in the face.

"Have fun." Bridget said before she closed the door.

"You seem like you've been part of this for a while." Sean said as he shut the door. "How long?"

Daryl shrugged. "Why do you need to know?"

"Are you really gonna play the mystery card?" Lily asked seriously. "Because guess what, pal: that doesn't always end well, trust me I've seen it happen."

"Well sorry to break it ya, but you don't need to know everything about me." He said, glaring at her. "I'll do my business, you do yours, simple as that."

"Are you really gonna be one of those people?" Sean asked. "I get the fact we barely know each other, but don't be such a dick to everyone you see."

Not saying anything else, he started cleaning his crossbow when Lily followed Sean to their bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"I don't know about this guy.." Lily said softly. "For all we know, he could just be the bad guy out of the whole group."

"We don't know that yet." Sean said. "I do get what you're saying, but for right now..we're gonna keep him in the group, and try to straighten him out a little. If he lets us."

"And if not?"

"Then we let him go." He said with a shrug. "Simple as that."

Lily smirked. "Sometimes I love it when you get all alpha."

"Then I'll do it more just for you." Sean said with a chuckle. 

Smiling at him, they glanced out the window, seeing everyone running, more zombies slowly going after the people.

"I hope this ends.." Lily said. "I'm kinda tired of living through this."

"Aren't we all." Sean said. "But I think this is gonna end in chaos due to how it's looking right much for living in my hometown for once.."

Turning to face him, she took a step closer, touching the side of his face. "We got to live a normal life for two years. And it was probably the best two years of my life. And we don't survive alone..we survive together. And we'll do it again just like before."

He sighed, covering her hand with his own. "I know..but I just wanted it to be over, you know? Not come back and have us start all over again..I actually..." He felt his face heat up a little. "I actually wanted to..get married and maybe start a family.."

Her eyes slightly widened, and she smiled. "Who knows..maybe that will happen one day. Just gotta keep your hopes up, that's all."

Sean was about to lean in when they heard another explosion, and they looked out the window again, seeing the building right across from them on fire.

"Holy shit.." Lily said, suddenly heading out of their bedroom. Sean followed behind, seeing Daryl standing up.

"You heard it too?" He asked.

"Yeah we did." Sean said. "It's the building across from us. Just went up in flames."

Daryl sighed. "I say by tomorrow this is all gonna change...and if it does, we can't stay here."

"We know." Lily said when their door opened, Jackie and Bridget coming in.

"It's nuts out there!" Bridget said. "What're we gonna do??"

"Not stand around here." Daryl said. "I say we kill as much of these sons of bitches as we can and get the hell out of here."

"We don't have any weapons." Jackie said. "We got rid of them because we thought we didn't need them."

Daryl rolled his eyes. "Of course.."

"You weren't in our group at the time so it wasn't your goddamn decision!" She suddenly snapped.

"Do you honestly think I care about the choices you all fucking make?" He snapped back.

"Guys enough!" Sean said. "We need to focus on what's happening right now, and we can get weapons along the way. So take what you need and let's get out of here."

"Wait..did you hear that?" Bridget asked before they could disperse. Listening closely, it sounded like glass breaking. But it was on the main floor of the apartments.

"Shit..." Sean said. "I think they broke through the doors.."

Daryl loaded up his crossbow. "Stay behind me. I'll clear a path for you to hopefully get out of."

They nodded, Lily snagging a couple knives from the kitchen as they clustered behind him, handing the other one to Sean. As they headed down the steps, they could hear the moans and the snarls of the zombies. Seeing one head their way, Daryl shot an arrow right through the head, dropping it right away. Loading up another, he yanked the arrow back out.

But when they were about to reach the main floor, at least ten zombies went right for them the second they saw them.

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