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Bridget immediately let go of him, standing straight up. "You're...what??"

"You heard me." Daryl said, struggling to stand. "I'm infected with that damn sickness that's goin' around."

"Why the hell didn't you tell us this from the beginning?!" Sean snapped.

"I didn't want to!" He snapped back. "I was thinking y'all would've figured that shit out by now!"

"Well, we didn't!" Jackie said. "We gotta get you to a place stat!"

"I don't need to.." Daryl said more calmly. "I want you to kill me."

Lily's eyes widened. "What?? No! I'm sure there's a cure for it!"

Daryl shook his head. "That's only if you kill the host of it..which is pretty much every fucking zombie out there."

"Well, either way you're not leaving us." Sean said, helping him stand on his feet. "We're gonna find a place, and try to find medicine to help slow it down."

"Where the hell are we gonna find medicine here??" Bridget asked as they started moving again. "The hospital is on the other side of the world!"

"Well, there is one here, also." Sean said. "It's actually not far from here. Perks of living in a small town."

"This gonna be another life or death mission?" Lily asked.

Sean looked over to her, holding her gaze. "We'll have to find out.."


After walking in silence the rest of the way, they found a little brown house that had a huge hole in the roof. Deciding to stay in it, they tried avoiding the hole as much as possible in case it caves in. Setting Daryl on the couch, they all immediately started rummaging throughout the place, trying to find any type of medicine. Jackie and Bridget looked through the living room and kitchen area, opening each drawer and cupboard, but finding only dusty plates and glasses.

"Nothing down here!" Bridget said loudly.

Sean and Lily searched through the bedrooms, looking underneath mattresses, opening up all the dresser drawers, closets and the two cabinets in the bathroom.

"So far nothing either!" Sean said back.

"Wait..hey hey hey!" Lily said, finding a large white bottle. Shaking it a couple times, pills were inside it. "I found some!"

Sean immediately went to her. "What are they, does it say?"

Looking at the faded label, she could pick out one word. "Looks like pain killers. It's a start."

"It'll have to work for now." Sean said, taking the bottle. Heading back downstairs, Sean opened up the bottle, handing it to Daryl.

"They're pain killers, it's better than nothing." He said.

Taking it, he dumped a few into his hand, throwing them into his mouth. Swallowing it down a few seconds later, he laid down on the couch.

"They ain't working." He said a few seconds later.

"It's called giving them time, antsy." Jackie said.

"Aren't you a smart ass."

"Daryl, enough!" Lily snapped. "Just give the pills time, they don't work right away."

Deciding not to argue back, they others looked around to find food and weapons. Glancing underneath the couch Daryl was on, Sean found something, dragging it out.

"This a pistol?" He asked, looking at it closely.

"Looks like it." Daryl said, eyeing the weapon. "I'd keep it..those help."

"Jackie and I are gonna go find some food to eat." Lily said, her crossbow over her shoulder. "You can get some wood if you want to while we're out."

Sean nodded. "I will. Just be careful."

She smirked. "We always are."

Heading out into the woods, they both had their weapons at the ready as they searched for some food, not seeing much of anything except bushes and trees.

"Over there." Jackie said, pointing to her right. "I think I saw a squirrel or two."

Kneeling behind a bush, Lily peeked out from the side, seeing what she was talking about. Raising her crossbow, she tried not to make noise, or they'd run off. Aiming, she pulled the trigger, the arrow only getting one of them as the other scampered off.

"Well we got one at least." She said, picking it up. "I don't know where the other one ran off to."

Jackie examined it closer. "Looks big enough for all of us. It should work."

Lily only nodded, starting to head back when Jackie brought it up again.

"So have you told him yet?" She asked.

Lily sighed. "Not yet...I haven't really thought about it that much."

"Well like I said, you kinda need to before it's too late and he finds out himself."

"Yeah I know..I will soon enough."

Heading back the rest of the way in silence, they saw Sean setting up the wood in the middle of the floor when he looked back at them. "Got something?"

Lily held it up. "Only one squirrel. The other one ran off after I shot my arrow. So we'll have to make it work."

Getting it ready, Sean started the fire with two rocks when they heard Daryl coughing again.

"You alright?" Bridget asked, everyone standing over him. He didn't stop, and they all noticed his face shining with sweat, immediately knowing it was getting worse.

"Those pills aren't helping at all." Sean said. "I don't know what else to do."

"I do.." Daryl said in a hoarse voice.

"What is it?" Bridget asked.

He looked specifically at Sean. "Kill me."

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