Chapter Four.

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After getting everything settled for what I need in my temporary room for tonight, I decided that I should probably face time my sister when my mother died she left with her dad and moved to Haiti where her dad was from I didn't get to see her alot though she made the effort to go to my elementary, middle, and high school graduations she's now the biggest lawyer in America and one of Haiti's leaders.

Though I managed to get an Masters degree in Crime in 4 years instead of 6 years and another one in literature and a bachelors degree in Greek mythology and I know about 12 languages and I could be a Best National Best-selling novelists and a professor and possibly more then I can ever imagine I was only meant to be behind my dangerous dad as the daughter nothing more.

In plus if I was to ever become something and they ran my background and found out who my dad was I could put him in jeopardy and I would lose my job....I don't want that for me nor my father.
Only my older sister and brother got the pleasure to do something with their lives since we all had different dad's but my younger brother we share the same dad he's in the NFL, the biggest football player in US at the age of 21.

"Hey baby girl how's it in Italy?" she asked I couldn't make out her face her camera was really dark and sorta faded. "Well I just got here what the fuck is wrong with your camera?" I asked squinting my eyes trying to make our where she was. "Well I'm in the part of Haiti where internet connection is not really all that great I'm at my collegues house we're going over some details." she explained something felt quiry about the way she said it.

"Well maybe I should call you later huh?" I asked I did not want to intrude her while she was at work I know being a leader is really competitive and hard. She waved her hand at me clearly saying I was being absurd.

"No worries she's in the bathroom....sooo." she said smirking I knew where this was going. "Did you see him?" she waited for me to answer "Yeah I saw him." I answered looking down and fiddling with my fingers "you didn't tell him did you?" yep that was definitely my sister getting straight to the point.

"I don't know what you're tal-" "Don't play dumb Lamari Elizabeth king." I couldn't help but wince at her saying my full name she said it just like mom did when I was younger. Almost everything about my sister was like mom and she was the last one I could ever lie to she would see right through my lies. It's quite the irony you know...I look like my mother and she acts like my mother, like I said quite the fucking irony.

"You need to tell him or I will , I will be there in two week's to visit you, you only have two weeks Ms.King Two weeks!!!" she said holding up two fingers unlike most people I let her talk to me like that and even if I didn't she had the balls to....sometimes I wanted to snap her now but I just closed my eyes and sighed.

"Alright Alright I promise I'll tell him." she shook her head waving her hand at me again...I could brake that fucking hand. "Don't make a promise you can't keep." I scoffed offended. "How the fuck would you know that?" " because it's been ten years....and you STILL haven't told him." "How could I have told him when I haven't seen him in 10 years?!" I asked raising my voice.

" You've could've caught a flight you 'smart girl'" "YOU SHUT UP MOTHAFUCKA!" I shouted raising up from my seat "SIT YOUR ASS DOWN NOW ASHIDA ASHIDA!!" she shouted back it was rare that my sister got mad and I was really mad that she called me that the year I lived with her when I was 14 everytime I done something that seemed to be dumb or an mistake she'd say " good move smart girl!" .

I wanted to punch the computer and rebel against her orders but I knew that's not what mom would have I smart ass down.

"I'm giving you two weeks before I come you better say something." "Wait what no I-"
"Save it lamari it's been ten years ten years it's time lamari." she said in all seriousness.

I felt my throat swell and my eyes water "Whatever." I said not knowing what to say and looked back down fiddling with my fingers.

"You're scared aren't you?" she asked "Scared of what?" I asked as if I didn't know what she was talking about.
"Lizzy I know when you are scared." she said calling me by my Nick name that came from my middle name "....I'm not scared." I justified I wasn't why would I be scared to tell him something he should of known....before.

"Whatever Liz I know you like the back of my hand but I'm gonna let it go." she said holding her hands up in surrender.

"Hey are you hungry?" a high voice in the background said coming next to her I realized that it was...a white woman and she did not look hatian at all "What the-" "I'll explain it later just get your self together everything will be okay and I love you...stay strong baby girl." I smiled at those words baby girl my mother used to call me that all the time "I love you too...bye."

I waved as she disconnected I took in another deep breath how the hell was I going to be able to tell her something I've been hiding for years? And who the fuck was that white gal?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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