12:15 am

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This is crazy, Alex thought as she ran to the spot where Drake would be waiting for her. Drake Fin! They had gone to school together since kindergarten, but he'd never noticed her until he accidentally called her. And now she was doing something she never thought she would; sneak out to go see a guy; a popular guy at that.

When she rounded the corner she saw Drake sitting on the curb by his car, which was wrapped around the telephone pole. For how damaged the car looked, he seemed pretty much all put together. His head was in his hands and he was crying.

I'm so stupid, Drake thought as he saw Alex running up to him. Why did you call her? Cause you like her. She's real, and doesn't try to act fake.

"Drake?" Alex waved at him as she neared him and saw his tear soaked eyes brighten. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Alex." He stood and looked at her. He saw her glasses, which hide her bright brown eyes, and her bunny pajamas with her matching slippers. "You're beautiful. I'm sorry that I never got to know you before now and I'm sorry I pulled your little brown pigtails in third grade."

"Thanks, Drake, but when you can say that sober, I will believe it." Alex longingly looked at Drake. Yes, she liked him, but she did not believe he would ever like her back, especially when he could have any of the blonde princesses that he wanted. To her, it seemed wrong to believe he would like her when he wasn't half wasted. "Let's get you back home. To my home, that is."

When they arrived at her home, Alexandrine led him up the stairs to her room as quietly as possible. Her parents would probably have killed her if they saw her climbing up the stairs in the middle of the night with a drunk boy who had just wrecked his car. She grabbed a pillow from her bed and a blanket to sleep on the couch with.

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