3 *you didnt do that yourself

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*trigger warning,, self harm*

I stood in front of my mirror and stared at myself. Staring at my turquoise hair and my green eyes.
I hated how I looked.
I hated everything about me.

My fresh bruises and cuts that I got given were still there from yesterday's beatdown, no matter how hard Miss Field helped me, my black eye was still clearly visible and so were my cuts and other bruises.

I took out my brush and slowly brushed my hair, leaving it down by my side.
I opened the drawers and grabbed my blade. I stared at and looked at my wrists that had the cuts on, the blade cut deep into my arm and after that was done, I put it back in and exited my bathroom.

I opened my wardrobe and picked out a black shirt with little skeletons at the bottom of the shirt with a jacket covering my arms and some jeans.

Today was another day.
It was Saturday, which, for most people meant happy and relaxing but for me, it was rejection day.

Family's came to the orphanage to pick out and adopt the prettiest and cutest of kids in the orphanage.
They all came at 11 and it was now 9:30. I sat in my bed and turned on some music.

I lied on my bed in utter relaxation until Miss Field called us down.

"All 12-14 year old girls please!" I heard her shout. Huh, I guess it was just one family today. I got off my bed and headed downstairs to see Miss Field there, she smiled at me and stroked my hair.

"You look lovely, I'm still sorry for what they did to you yesterday." She smiled, I weakly smiled back and we both walked in the main room, I was the last one in there, everyone started to stare at me as I shyly sat down in one of the seats in the corner, far away from all the kids, I hide my face with my hair and looked at some of the other girls before I looked at the family, some of the girls looked bored, but a lot of them were nudging each other, giggling and whispering to each other, I heard some of them whisper, 'They're the cuties from YouTube!'

YouTube? They're from YouTube?
I've heard of the site, but I've never really gone on it, I kinda thought bad things about it though.
People have told me that the people on there have no life whatsoever and just beg for attention and popularity.
And that's sounds like it would be true.

I looked over at two men, one with chocolatey brown hair and brown eyes, another with jet black hair and blue eyes. They were all smiling at the girls until they saw me staring at them, the one with brown hair nudged the one with black hair and got him to look at me, they both looked at me and I immediately looked away, I heard a little laugh as I covered my face with my hair once again. I hated drawing attention to myself.

"Girls, this is Dan Lester," she pointed to the one with brown hair and brown eyes, "and this is Phil Lester."
Some of the girls squealed, especially Courtney, trust her.

I looked up and they wouldn't stop looking at me, then everyone wouldn't stop staring at me, then I immediately realised that Twenty One Pilots was blasting through my headphones, my heart thumped as I quickly turned it off. Both Dan and Phil smiled.

I turned over and saw Courtney giggling at me before putting the middle finger up at me.
"Courtney!" Mrs Sholfield shouted, catching Courtney in the act, Courtney jumped and sunk back into her seat, whispering to Bethany.

"Dan and Phil are going to talk to each of you individually and ask you some questions about yourself." Miss Field said.

I sighed to myself, hoping this would be over soon so I could just go back to my room and read for the rest of the day.

Girls started going in one by one, taking to Dan and Phil individually, and the time came when it was my turn. I got up and walked towards the room where they were talking and Courtney was just coming out of the room and she took me by the wrist, making my cuts burn.

"Listen Emo, I'm obviously gonna get picked by Dan and Phil, because everyone loves me and they do too, they're gonna pick me, and they obviously don't want an emo like you. So don't even try." She hissed, forcefully standing on my foot and hit me on the back. I ignored the pain of it and limped into the room and shut the door behind me and sat down on the chair.

"Hi." Dan smiled, "my names Dan and this is my boyfriend, Phil."
They're gay? I mean, I have no problem with that, they actually look really cute together.
"I can see you have good taste in music." Phil said, I realised I had accidentally got TØP on again, I quickly turned it of and blushed.
"Thanks.." I mumbled.

"So what's your name?" Dan asked.
"What do you like doing Emerald?" Phil asked.
"Reading, writing, music and singing." I said.

"Really? Could you sing us something?" Dan asked, I looked up, my eyes widened. I loved singing, I sang every chance I could get, the only person who told me that they liked my singing was Mrs Sholfield, when she heard me singing to myself in my room.

"Oh, no.. I-I... Y-you wouldn't want to hear m-me s-sing.. I'm t-terrible at it.." I stuttered. Great job Emerald... You made a fool of yourself again.
"C'mon, we won't judge, do we look like the people who would judge you?" Dan asked.
I wasn't entirely sure how I was supposed to answer that.

"Please?" Phil begged, looking pretty adorable.
"Fine." I giggled a little. "Just wait here." I got up and ran out of the room and into my room to get my guitar, I was back in seconds with it and I sat down again and started playing my guitar and singing.

"I think the universe is on my side.
Heaven and earth
Have finally, aligned.
Days are good,
And that's the way it should be.

You sprinkled stardust,
On my pillow case.
It's like a moonbeam
Brushed across,
My face.
Nights are good,
And that's the way it should be.

You make me sing:
'Ooo, lalala...'
You make a girl go:
'Ooo, I'm in love, love'

Did you see that
Shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same
Did you and Jupiter conspire
To get me?
I think you and the moon and Neptune
Got it right.

And now I'm shinning bright."

I finished it and they smiled and clapped.
"That was amazing!" Phil said,
"Thank you." I giggled.
"Phil she's so cute." Dan mumbled to Phil, he nodded, laughing a little.

"Thank you for talking with us." Phil smiled, "since you were the last one, we'll be coming out too."
I nodded and got up out of my seat but paused when Phil called me.
"Wait, what's that?" Phil said, taking something off my jacket. It was a sign. I turned around and took it from Phil's hands. 'Freak!!' It read.

"It's just a little joke." I mumbled. Dan took a closer look at my face.

"Are those just little jokes too?" He asked, pointing to my black eye, bruises and cuts.
"Just the silly kids in the orphanage, but with most of the bruises and black eye, I'm just clumsy." I lied.

"Emerald. You didn't do that yourself." Dan said.


just one more chapter tonight? :D

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