20*stay alive

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💔Emerald 💔

Its been more than 2 months living with him. I knew I was dying, slowly and gradually. But yet I still listened to him. Listened to him telling me that I was useless and fat and ugly and everything in between.

I believed that he was right, so I barely ate and became so skinny that you could see my spine clearly on my back. I cooked for him, apart from breath, I did everything for him.

I knew that Dan and Phil and Brook had forgotten me. There was times when I forgot them. But they're always there. In the back of my mind. Its been months, and I looked like a completely different person now.

"I'm leaving for work. I want dinner done when I get back." David told me, slapping me, I looked up, nodding quickly.
"Good." He growled, walking out and slamming the door on my face and driving out of sight. I moved slightly, leaning on the front door, it swung open, leaving me on the floor I looked out, noticing that he hadn't locked the door.

Without second thoughts, I ran out the door into the world, I was weak as I ran, but I couldnt stop, it was until I had gotten to London when I eventually sat down on the side of the road near some shops.
Once I held my head back onto the concrete floor, I fell deeply asleep.

I was woken by London's tips of rain onto me as I got up, it was pouring down. Since I could see a little better, I noticed that this was our street. Dan and Phil's street. I wasn't that far away, since I knew the house.

As I got closer to the house, nearly knocking on the door, I felt my hand over the door, getting ready to knock.

Was I really going back?
What if they forgot me..
Or replaced me?
No.. they wouldnt do that. Just knock.

My knuckle sent a chill into my veins as I knocked on the door. I sat down on the doorstep as I heard someone go to the door. It was Phil.

He opened it and looked up, not seeing me. I whispered a quick 'Phil' and he immediately looked down and screamed, putting hand over his mouth, he picked me up and put me inside, laying me on the couch and held me, crying.

"Emerald... oh my god Em..." He cried.


As she sat up, I placed her on my lap and rocked her back and forth, she hung onto me as I felt her back, she was awfully skinny and had many bruises, cuts, burns, everything, you name it. She was wearing a blood stained rag dress and her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed or washed in months, which it probably hasn't and she desperatly needed a wash too.

Dan eventually came in and ran over sitting with me and her, stroking her tangled hair. Every so often, she'd started to breath heavily but we comforted her.

"Its okay sweetheart, your safe.." Dan whispered. We were both in uter shock, as Dan put her on his lap he looked at me.
"Go get her food, water, a bowl in case she throws up again." He told me, I got up and went to the kitchen and found her some food that she needed, got her some water and a bowl. I brought it over, hamding her the food and water, she took the water but quickly refused the food.

"N-no... He he's r-right... I-I'm f-fat..." she whispered.
"No, no no. Em. You have you eat, baby your dying." Dan said to her. "Please sweetheart, can't you see what he's done to you?" I cried. But yet she refused, before taking the bowl and throwing up in it, then coughing up endless amounts of blood.

"Phil call the hospital. Then the school, tell them that we need Brook back home now." Dan demamded me, I nodded, grabbing my phone from my pocket and dieling the ambulance.

"H-h-hello. I have a-a daughter and w-we need.. s-she needs an-an am-ambulance." I stuttered nervously. As I carried on talking to the lady, then hung up and went to Brooks schools number in my contacts and rang up.

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