Book 1 (chapter 1)

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Sean's POV
Hi my name is Sean, though others call me Jack. Anyways Mark and I have been great friends for two years now. Ive never told anyone my deepest secret. I am gay. Yes, I have a girlfriend , I'm only using her so people think I'm not gay. I already dyed my hair green. People said that I look gay already. But Mark is always there to help me out. He's cute, has a muscular body, he's funny, kind, caring. I can't stand the way he looks( In a good way lol), he makes me smile, even when I look at his face. Even when I skype him. Last night he came to my house with his girlfriend, and when they left she forgot her phone. So now it's here with me at my house-


Her phone just went off. I walked to her phone and checked what it was. I turned it on and saw a message saying.

Hey babe, do you maybe want to hang out with me tonight? I have a surprise.

That message wasn't sent by Mark, it was sent by a guy named Felix.

Mark's POV

Hello everyone my name is Mark. Me and my friend Sèan have been friends for quite a while now and I feel like there's something different about him when I'm around him. Anyways I have a girlfriend and I am straight. But whenever I'm around Sean he blushes a lot. Even when I accidentally touch him. But he can't be gay can he? He has a girlfriend for go sake. People say that I'm so popular at school. But I really don't think I am. Anyways I better get ready to go to school.

I picked up my bag and headed out the door to go to the bus. As I entered I saw Sean "as usual". I walked over to the back of the bus where my girlfriend was, Sean, and his girlfriend. Then I sat by her.

Mark: "Hey Marzia"

Marzia: "Hey Marki."

I planted a kiss on her cheek. Then I sat back and looked at Sean. He looked back.

Mark: "How's it going pal."

Sean: "O-Oh me? I'm doing great."

He studded, that's not normal of him. He usually just says things quick and easy. I'll have a talk with him later.

Sean's POV

I have to tell Mark about Marzia. She doesn't deserve him. But how will I explain? He won't believe me. I'll try somehow.

As we got off the bus, I held hands with Signe while Mark and Marzia were behind us.

Sean: "Oh yeah, Marzia you left your phone last night so here you go."

I handed the phone to Marzia. She smiled and grabbed the phone away from me.

Marzia: "Thanks."

Mark: "Hey Sean, could I talk to you for a while. Privately?"

Sean: "Y-yeah."

Me and Mark walked off to the corner of the school under a huge ass tree.

Mark: "Look, your acting strange and all. So, is anything wrong?"


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