Chapter 23 pt 1

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Jackson's Pov

So me and Tiffany finally arrived in New York. I so in a day I am meeting he parents, I can not wait. But I'm also nervous that they wont except me. Like I keep on having thoughts like "what if they don't like me cause I'm asian" or " what if they think I'm wild and sexy" or even "I'm gay cause I'm a kpop idol". I have so many thoughts in my head, I just hope all goes well, and hopely Tiffany doesn't pick up my nervousness that well. (note: this what Jackson was thinking as he fell asleep.) When I woke up it was 7:00 am, Tiffany was facing towards me, she looked so peaceful and adorable. I love her so much if anything happened to her I would die. I kissed her forehead hoping that she will wake up, she twitch a little, so I decided to make let her sleep. After I came out of the bathroom I orded room service for breakfast. When I was done with that I heard groaning, which gave me the hint she was waking up. "Good morning, saranghaeyo." I said in a cute voice. "Good morning Jackosn, nado saranghaeyo." she said as she was sitting up on the bed. "So what are we doing today?" "I was thinking we could go into the city. I give you a little tour around the big apple." She said. "Yeah that sounds great!" Ding-Dong Ding-Dong "Room Service!" The the servant yelled outside the door. "Coming!" I said. The guy pulled the cart with the food in the room and set it near the table. "Babe the food is here." "What did you get..." She lost track of what she was saying, cause she saw it was her favorite breakfast. "My favorite!" She said as she walked over to me and kissed me she broke free and the pecked my lips. Man I love this girl. I patted the seat next to me and she sat there. After we were done eating me and Tiffany cleaned the table. "Hey wild and sexy, im going to go take a shower. " "Oh okay, I'll take one after you."

Hey guys sorry for the long wait. I previously wrote this chapter n it had like 700 and something happened I guess where I lost the memory. So I had to write it over hope yall understand

Love -AmayLin xoxo

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