Dinner With Clients

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I ran up the stairs of the courthouse I was ten minutes late. I over slept five minutes and New York in the morning was like hell on Halloween. I slid in the hallways of the building and I busted through the big brown doors. The courtroom was quiet as I walked the rest of the way and I sat down in the seat next to Mickey and Minnie.

"Very professional." Mickey whispered to me.

"I did say 7 right? I'm sorry if I said 7:15 " Minnie asked.

"You did say 7. I overslept 5 minutes and New York is hellish in the morning." I told her as I stood up. "We can begin your honor we are all present."

"Finally." the judge mumbled and he started talking as I took my seat. I listened to the details but I pretended I didn't have a care in the world. It's kind of a tactic of mine it always makes the defendant mad when they think I am not listening. I sat doodling a kitty cat in my yellow pad of paper.

"Who the fuck does this guy think he is?" a heard a man say and I looked up. The man was sitting in a chair at the front of the room his lawyer was talking and the judge was listening. I smiled knowing he took the bait. I threw my pen on the pad of paper and I sighed loudly.

"You want to know what I am doing?" I asked.


"I'm so bored by your nonsense that I started drawing cats. Would you like to see them?" I held up my sorta stick figured cats and I smiled. "See they are asleep because you bored them too." I stood up as his lawyer sat on her chair coughing. She had her back towards me and usually I will smile at them acknowledging all that they do but she had her back towards me the entire time even when she sat in her chair she was whispering to someone that sat in the chair behind her.

I cleared my throat as I walked towards the jury I ran my hand along the railing of the stand that the jury was sitting in and I smiled at them. "Hi. How are you all doing?" I asked and they smiled at me knowing we are not supposed to be talking. I know damn well I could lose my job by talking to them but I do this every time anyways. "Soo..." Oh hell what do I do? I only worked mostly criminal cases usually I start with where were you and why were you there. It's a fucking environment case. What do I say? How do I start?

Everyone is looking at me... Excluding the Roosevelts lawyer. I wonder why she isn't paying attention I wonder if she is on her phone which is against the law or is she using a tactic of her own to make me antsy... If it's to make me antsy then it is working.

"Why are you here?" I asked. Starting with the thing right off the top of my head is way better than not starting at all.

"Why do you think?" the man asked.

"I don't know why that is why I'm asking.... Why do you think you are here?"

"Because of those prick's sitting over there."

"What's your name?"

"Glenn Roosevelt."

"Alright Mr.Roosevelt what does your factory produce?"


"How much goes wrong each day with medicine?"

"I don't know."

"I could tell you. Would you like to know?"

"You are just going to tell me."

"Actually I'm not because I don't actually know the number. Why I don't know because I honestly can't pronounce those numbers. Those numbers goes way past the trillions. In the year 1982 Mr and Miss Morris started building a lake in an open, deserted lot. That lake is known to run through the Atlantic Ocean. Now the water is let to pass through but the animals within the lake are not. Only a few people actually know why the animals are within the lake but I did some digging through some records and it's understandable why you wouldn't know what kind of animals are in that lake."

We Go Together Like Bees and Honey *Generation Us Book 2* Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin