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Robbie head sat in my lap and I breathed in deeply as I rubbed his head. It was Carol's turn to sit in the room with Ralphie. I didn't want to leave his side but it is the only fair thing to do. Noel fall into the chair next to me and Stefan stirred awake from his seat next to hers. He looked pissed but he just shrugged it off.

"Any news about Fancy?" I asked.

"Nope.. Well there has but Joey hasn't said anything about it to me."

"Is he with her?"


"Stefan can you watch Robbie?" I asked as I sat Robbie lightly on my chair trying not to wake him.

"Yeah." he told me. "Where are you going?"

"I am kind of hungry and I have to use the bathroom."

"If you go to the vending machine could you get me some Cheetos?"


"Also get Airheads Xtremes. They're Robbie's favorite candy."

"I know my son's favorite candy." I mumbled.

"I have to go to the bathroom too." Noel announced and she grabbed my hand. We walked down the hall to the bathrooms. I waited outside for her, I could feel my eyes start closing as I leaned up against the wall. I haven't slept for more than five minutes this entire week. "Hey?" Noel said as she kissed my cheek. "You ok?"


"When is the last time you got some sleep?"

"What day is it?"

"I actually don't know."

"Neither do I."

"Well when we sit back down I want you to try catching some sleep, alright handsome?"

"I'll try only if you sit next to me."

"Will do."

"I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah I know. You know I love you more right?"

"I doubt that is even possible."

"I am starving." She made me stop in front of the very first vending machine we saw. "What are we getting?"

"I don't know pick out whatever you want."

"What are you getting?"

"I am not hungry."

"When was the last time you ate something?"

"Monday morning."

"Ah I think it is Sunday... You are eating something."

"I am not hungry."

"I am going to make you eat something even if I have to chew it up for you."


"How about a Twix you like Twix's."

"I am not hungry."

"I will make you eat it."

"I won't like it."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want it."

"What if we made Stefan go out and go buy something?"

"I won't eat it."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want it."

"I am making you eat.. And now I don't care what you want, you are getting a Twix."

We Go Together Like Bees and Honey *Generation Us Book 2* Where stories live. Discover now