Chapter 30

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Inuyasha roused with the sudden surge of his youki, grinning softly at the pleasant sensation of his body returning to normal. In his sleep-muddled mind, he idly wondered why he had fallen asleep in the first place, since he almost always stayed awake on his human nights. But whatever the reason, he was far too comfortable to get up now, and inhaled a deep breath in preparation for dozing off again. Or at least, he tried to.

His lungs had barely filled to approximately a third of their capacity before the frantic messages sent by his nasal receptors hit his brain like electric shocks. He bolted upright, coughing with the sudden expulsion of all the air from his lungs. There was no mistaking those scents, or the fact that he was naked. And as his awareness returned, along with his memory, Inuyasha gazed up at the ceiling with a look of dumbfounded amazement.

Ho. Ly. Shit.

His first thought was that he had dreamt the whole thing. But that didnt explain his nudity or what his sense of smell was telling him. No, his recollections were real; he could recall with absolute clarity every moan, touch, and shred of sensation. He had really made love with Kagome last night.

He fought against the foolish grin threatening to break out over his features. He didnt feel nearly as good about this now as he had last night, when he had been practically drowning in human emotion. That was probably putting it a bit too strongly, but it was unlikely that things would have gone that far had he been hanyou. For him, being human was similar to being full-youkai; he didnt spend much time in either state and had trouble controlling himself in both.

He heard and felt Kagome shift beside him, and snapped his head to look at her. But she was still asleep, and he heaved a sigh of relief, glad that his movements had not woken her. The last thing he needed was to have to face her before hed had time to collect his thoughts. He did notice that the she had displaced the sheets enough at some point to reveal that she had changed clothes, apparently before falling asleep. She now wore her typical nighttime ensemble of late, a t-shirt and underwear. He stared for a moment, then shook his head and scolded himself for it as he hastily covered her up. Being a horndog was part of what had gotten him into this mess in the first place.

And it was a mess. How could it not be? Two people as stubborn as he and Kagome, with as complicated a relationship as they possessed, didnt just have sex without any lasting ramifications. It had been so easy last night to believe that they could encapsulate this one night, and then move on with their lives with little or no change. But that was fantasy, not reality. How would this affect their friendship? He couldnt see how it could possibly go back to the way it was. And even if it could, there were still a thousand and one other reasons their glorified one night stand was a mistake: Naraku, Kikyou, and his inability to determine his own feelings to name a few.

He gasped as another possibility came to him, a potentially catastrophic problem that he hadnt considered the night before. He leaned over and sniffed Kagome furiously, relaxing slightly when she didnt smell fertile. He nearly collapsed with relief as he remembered that her monthly bleeding roughly coincided with the new moon, usually taking place a little thereafter. It was far too late in her cycle for her to conceive.

But still, why the hell hadnt he thought of that last night? Especially when a pregnancy had the potential to ruin their relationship and totally derail the mission? He knew why: one, he was a horndog, and two, his human emotions had gotten the better of him. It was as if his typical emotional constipation had been completely reversed so that he was floundering in feeling and sentiment. Again, he was putting it too strongly; he had after all managed to resist Kagome at first, when he thought her proposal wasnt fair to her. Hell, he still didnt think it was. Kagome had all but said she disagreed, but she was dead wrong. Sleeping with her and then asking to be just friends again made him feel like a complete sleaze.

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