EPILOGUE (Sexual Content)

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Kagome tilted her head back to the beautiful blue sky, breathing in the fresh air. The Inu-gang was on the road again. It was mid-morning on her second full day back to the feudal era. Inuyasha had wanted to set out yesterday, but shed put her foot down and confined him to Kaedes hut to rest his injured body. She had told their friends about the battle, but had left out pretty much everything else. When asked why she had returned to her time in the first place, Kagome had vaguely responded that it seemed like the best thing to do at the time. Why be elusive? Well, it just hadnt felt right to reveal everything at once; Kagome reasoned that she and Inuyasha needed some time to really come to terms with a few things themselves. Their friends knew better than to press things where Kikyou was involved, if even Kagome was reluctant to divulge details. Or perhaps they had simply seen how well the two of them seemed to be getting along when they returned, and decided that whatever had happened couldnt have been too bad.

It had been quite the challenge to keep their newfound relationship a secret. Kagome caught herself several times doing things she wouldnt normally do, like holding Inuyashas hand for no apparent reason or absently running her fingers through his hair. Fortunately, no one had observed her minor indiscretions. Or at least she didnt think so. She was beginning to feel that Kaede was too wise for her own good, but fortunately the old miko hadnt said anything.

They didnt get more than a moment alone all day; someone was always there to ruin their chances for the private conversation they desperately needed. Kagome had been getting somewhat frustrated, until soon after dinner, she suddenly noticed that the hut and surrounding area were deserted save for the two of them. Their friends had apparently gone off to do their own thing, leaving Inuyasha the opportunity he had been secretly waiting for all day. And he did not have conversation on his mind.

As he carried her into the forest, her mind still somewhat dazed from being kissed senseless, Kagome could only reflect that his injuries were no longer affecting him.

* * *

Kagome groaned, digging her nails into Inuyashas forearm as she hung on for the ride. She felt like she was flying, borne aloft by waves of passion. Quite simply, she had never known her body was capable of such heights.

Inuyasha was clearly a man on some sort of mission. It hadnt taken her too long to gather his intent; his devoted actions and the determination in his expression were clue enough. Whatever shortcomings he thought he had displayed as a lover during their first encounter, he was more than making up for them now.

She had lost track of the number of orgasms which had wracked her body. It could probably still be displayed on one hand, but the part of her brain responsible for remembering how to count to five was no longer functioning. It was an endemic problem; her mind had simply been overwhelmed, as her body was pleasured first by his hands and lips, then his tongue. Now he was lying behind her, spooning her, his arm holding her leg up and his cock plunging deep inside her. His insistent nibbling on her neck was just another droplet in the cascade of sensation pouring over her. Her body was tightening again, approaching that peak once more

Suddenly Inuyasha stiffened, and warm liquid flooded inside her. Kagome lay still as he softened and slipped from her, panting as she came down the wrong way from her nearly-reached high. Still, considering the rest of the evening, she was more than satisfied.

Then she was moving, pulled upright onto her knees to straddle Inuyashas lap. She gazed dazedly into his eyes, given a mischievous edge by the smirk pulling at his lips. Feeling something brush against her stomach, she looked down to see his member, hard once more, teasing her skin. As she watched, Inuyasha pulled her to him, sheathing himself fully inside her once more. And as her hips began to gyrate of their own accord, and his lips crashed over hers, his fingers finding the small nub that gave her the most pleasure, it all became too much. Her eyes rolled back, and she exploded with all-consuming fervor.

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