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The song changes and just like that, all my "wreckless behavior" goes out the window. THANK GOD! I think me and Theo both realize what was just going on, because we both clear our throats and at the same time say, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." 

I give a nervous laugh, and he tells me ladies first. He follows me to the bathroom and I go in lock the door and sink to the floor. 

What was I thinking,  this is why I stay away from alcohol most of the time. When Ruth told me to have a drink and dance for her I'm sure she didn't mean it with her man. I'm sure she would be pretty pissed if she saw us. Hell I know I would if I was in her shoes.

I pull myself together, wash my face off and open the door. Theo is leaning against the wall with his drink in his hand. I tell him, "All yours." and he gets the biggest grin on his face. I know what he is thinking and I'm quick to stop him before he says anything.

"The bathroom is all yours James." I walk up to him and give him a little poke in his chest and say, "I know what you where thinking sir" that's not what I meant.

He just laughs and hands me his drink and goes into the bathroom. I decide to make a brake for it before he comes out.

Theo's POV

I've finished using the bathroom and I'm staring at myself in the mirror and all I can think is"What are you doing Theo, you have a girlfriend you love. Shai, Shai, Shai, is all that escapes my lips and I sink to the floor. What are you doing to me. I've always felt this connection between us, like her protector,  but tonite the connection was different. Maybe its the alcohol, and don't get me started on the song. I gotta remind myself to let Ansel and Miles have it. I mean what where they thinking playing a song like that, when alcohol is involved. Ruth would kill me if she saw me and Shai dancing the way we where. Shai, she looked so good tonite, and the way she was letting loose. It took all I had not to want to whisk her away to are place, and have my way with her. I can't believe I just admitted that. She is my best friend, and Ruth and I, we have been together so long. I do love her, heck I planned on asking her to marry me after we are done with all these movies. Its no suprise, we have talked about marriage before, now that I think of it, its always been in a way like if we where discussing a contract. Not that cute highschool talk we all used to have when we where kids. But Shai, I just can't get her out of my head. I almost jumped out of my skin when she was dragging her finger around me, its why I grabbed her and pulled her close, in that moment I didn't care how we looked to others. I was feeling her and I could tell she was feeling me. Swaying to the music the way she smelled it was intoxicating, its like the whole world dissappeared and it was just me and her. Part of me doesn't regret it at all but the non-alcohol drinking Theo would never do something like that to Ruth. Maybe that's why I was careless, we just had a fight, and Shai was trying to be kind, and the drinking and dancing. Yah that is it. I would never do something like that with Shai, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship and my relationship with Ruth. I definately know Shai would agree with me on that. I mean when we snapped out of our little world, I could tell she felt the way I did. I mean for godsakes we both tried to make a dash for the bathroom. Hahaha great excuse. 

I'm pulled from my thoughts by someone knocking. Its Ansel screaming he needs to take a piss. I stand up dust off my clothes and open the door. Ansel has a big smile on his face, clearly he is drunk also. "Theo, did you enjoy that dance, with Shai." he says while making googly eyes at me. I just shake my head and pat his chest. I decide no comment would be the best. 

Shai POV

I'm sitting on the couch contemplating what just happened, and I'm conflicted. Part of me hates what I did, and the other part doesn't mind so much. I'm pulled from my thoughts by Nahko who plops down beside me.

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