3 days left

156 3 3

We get to do the ferris wheel scene tonight. I'm feeling all kinds of emotions lately. We are practically done filming, and I won't get to see anyone till we do press for the movie.

I'm in my closet putting away all the things I purchased today, we have to leave in an hour to start shooting.

Ruth is calling for me so I head to the kitchen. She made some tea and offers me some.

I gladly take it and have a seat at the bar next to her. Theo is standing on the opposite side of us just looking back and forth at each of  us.

Its starting to feel weird so I ask Ruth if she is coming tonight. Theo straightens up a bit at the question and she tells me..

"God no" (hahhaha) as much as I'd love seeing you all climb that ferris wheel, she says its going to be a cold one tonight. 

I laugh at her, and tell her no fair man. She says in her defense she has plans tonight to go see a few of her girlfriends who are in town. 

Its not often she gets to see them since she spends most of her time overseas. I tell her jokingly fine you're forgiven and she laughs.

I look over at Theo and he gives me a little wink and smile. I tell her thanks for the tea but I have to get ready to head to set. 

I'm walking to my room when she offers for Theo to drive me to set. I close my eyes a bit before I turn and say..Sure I could use a ride.

Theo jumps in, and says...sure sure no problem. I smile at them both and tell them well we probably should head out in 30. Theo agrees and I go to my room to pack my bag.

I'm heading out of my room and I see Ruth giving Theo a long kiss. I stop in my tracks and it feels like I just got hit by a bus.

I dont know if I should keep walking or go back to my room. They haven't noticed me yet so I decide to head back to my room when I knock the lamp of the side table with my bag.

"Shit" is all that come out of my mouth and I'm on the ground picking up big chunks of glass. Theo and Ruth both come over and offer help

I immediately start apologizing and tell them I knocked over the lamp with my bag. They both laugh a little and tell me its not a problem.

Me and Theo are standing in the hallway waiting for the elevator and its silent. We continue this way all the way down to the lobby.

I don't know why but it's like silence is what we both need right now.
He helps me into the jeep and we ride with out saying a word. I'm staring out the window when Theo starts singing and humming to She's like the wind.

I shake my head a bit and think to myself...am I being punished. This is my fave movie and this song. It gets to me every time.

I lean my head back on my seat, close my eyes and listen to Theo sing.
It's taking all I have not to break down and tell him how I've been feeling, truelly feeling. 

After all he would have already known if Ruth hadn't shown up on our doorstep. 

I don't realize the tear falling down my face until I feel Theo brush it away. I open my eyes and hesitantly look his way.

He is just staring at me and I realize we are already parked in the parking lot on set. I go to say something and he tells me....

3 days.  He reaches for my hand and tells me again "3 days, Shai" with a sad look on his face. I don't know what to say, I do the one thing I'm good at. RUN.

I pull away and say Please don't, just don't and grab my bag and bolt out of the jeep to my trailer. 

He doesn't run after me, and I'm about to have a panic attack when I run smack dab into Miles. 

"Wow killer slow down" I look up at Miles and he realizes I'm not okay. "Dam Shai, are you okay what's wrong!"

Next thing I know he's holding both my hands telling me to focus on his breathing and to match it.

I slowly start to calm down, and he pulls me in for a hug. He asks me if I want to talk about it and I just shake my head no. 

He asks me if he can at least walk me to my trailer and I shake my head yes. He grabs my bag and wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk in silence.

Once I'm there he gives me a big hug and tells me, "I don't know what your going through Shai, but if you ever want to talk about it I'm here." 

I give him a kiss on the cheek and say thank you, as he heads to walk out he turns and tells me, "Shai, any guy would be a fool to let you slip away." "Your a rare gem." Before I can say anything he is gone.

I lay back on my couch, and think to myself...Geez does everyone know I got it bad for Theo? At this rate, I'm liable to see Ruth burst through my door with an ax or something.

I laugh a little at that comment when I here Theo. 

"Shai, its me Theo. Why did I say my name I'm sure you know my voice by now."

 I give a little smile and take a deep breath before I yell come in. 

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