
the person

that you'd take

a bullet for

is behind the trigger

"Hey, Abree, Eve, come on downstairs! We've gotta talk to you!" Brendon's cheerful voice echoed up the stairwell. I looked up from the fanfic I was reading and headed downstairs, my long brown hair swinging in a rhythm as I walked. I met Brendon on the couch in the living room, his arm around Sarah. I sat down on the couch with them.
"So, since it's your birthday, Abree, Brendon's going to take you out to lunch as a father-daughter date. Hope you two have fun!" Sarah smiled (😏) , a mischievous knowing look on her face and a sparkle in her eye.
"Sounds like fun! I can't wait! When and where are we going?" I asked Brendon.
"It's a surprise! I am sure you'll like it, though!" He smiled. The  reality of being adopted by him and Sarah was really setting in now, and I was beginning to feel comfortable around them. Soon, they would announce Eve and I to the world. Because it was a father-daughter date, Eve wasn't coming, so I wondered how she felt about that. It was my birthday, though. I looked over at her. She actually didn't look dissapointed that she wasn't coming. She had a small smirk instead of the frown I was expecting.

"Sarah and I are going to stay home," Eve said. "I hope you have a fun time! Here, let me  help you pick out an outfit!" Sarah and Brendon smiled as i followed her upstairs, as if they knew something I didn't.
"Alright," I said nervously. "We'll leave in an hour!" Brendon's voice echoed up the stairwell.
"Ooooooooooohhh, wear thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!" Eve plucked a pretty, pale grey sweater dress from the new walk-in closet we shared. I chuckled, holding it up in front of myself and checking it out in the mirror. Hmmm, interesting.

"Also, wear this with it!" Excitedly, she picked out my favorite worn brown leather jacket and a thick dark grey-blue scarf to put on top. I smiled as she arranged it over my shoulders and threw the scarf on my head.
"Strike a pose," she said laughing, as I walked up and down the room like a supermodel would. I tossed my hair being sassy and put my hands on my hips, checking out myself in the mirror and cracking up. These were the times with her that I loved most. I giggled as the lopsided scarf slid off my head and onto the floor.

"Okaay, now go put it on. It's going to look sooooooo good with your dark brown hair and deep blue eyes!" She squealed, and I giggled, heading to the bathroom to change with the outfit.

When I got back, she was digging through our makeup bags, plucking out a few products every once and awhile.

"Okay, you look amazing," She said, getting up from her spot on the floor and coming over to  check me out. She circled me, hands on hips, eyes sweeping.

"Just a few more things. Wear these shoes, and let me style your makeup and hair!" She picked up a pair of blue flats that matched the scarf. "I know you don't like shoes like this, buuuuuuut it's juuust for the occasion!" I slipped on the shoes and smiled as she curled my hair and did my makeup, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fight her, even if I wanted to.

"Okay! All done! Now you're ready for lunch!" Her eyes scanned my new put-together outfit, satisfied.

"Thank you so much," I said, embracing her. "This means so much to me. I mean, I know it may not be a lot to you, but it's the best birthday present you could have given me." I smiled and pulled away.

"You're welcome! Now, go, shoo, go have fun with Brendon!" I giggled as she pushed me out the door. "See you after!"

- - - -

"Aw, Abree, you look amazing! I assume Eve helped you with the outfit?" Brendon asked, as we sat down at the table. We were eating lunch at the local upscale Italian restaurant a few miles away. Not too fancy, but fancy enough to dress up. The walls were painted a warm brown, with an olive green accent wall and a large, warm fireplace. On the side of the restaurant facing the street, there were large, bright windows where we could see people going about their daily business.  The atmosphere of the restaurant was inviting and well-worn, with the clattering of people eating creating a nice rhythm throughout the place. I liked it.

"Thank you! You look great also! Yes, she did help. I couldn't have done it without her." He smiled and dove into his menu as the waiter handed them to us.

A few minutes later, the waiter came back to our table and collected our menus. "What would you like?" He asked.

"Hmm... I think I'll take the Roast Chicken with  Rosemary," Brendon said.

"I'd like the Lemon Butter Chicken," I said. "Thank you!" I smiled at the waiter as he took our menus.

"Hungry?" Brendon asked. "Quite," I said. "I can't wait until we get our food. It all sounds so good, plus I'm so hungry. I guess that isn't really helping, is it?" I asked as I chuckled. "Are you excited about your food?"

"Yes, of course! I've only been waiting, for, like forever!" We laughed, and I sighed, starving.

- - - -

"We're home," Brendon said, helping me out of the car. The lunch date was so much fun, I hope we get to do that again. Ooooooohhh, the food. That has to easily be my favorite Italian place ever. I can't wait to go there again. Next time, though, we need to bring Eve and Sarah. Sarah's probably been there before, but Eve definitely hasn't! She needs to try it. Gosh, Abree, you need to stop thinking about the lunch date and start actually paying attention to your surroundings! I yelped as I tripped over a tree branch in the front yard.

"You okay?" Brendon asked. "Yep, fine."

He opened the door. The first thing I noticed was the fact that it was dark. Weren't Sarah and Eve still at the house? Or did they go somewhere? Strange...

My eyes widened as i heard the words.


A/U: Yes! Cliffhanger! I know. I am probably going to write chapter seven right away, buuuuuuut i'm going to wait to release it. Haha. Yes. Deal with it >:D. I will probably post it in a week or so ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also, 100 views?!? Thanks so much guys! I appreciate all the voting and the views. :)

"I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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