Chapter 3:The meeting

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V:

Finally, I arrived at the pizzeria, and as I was finding a good parking spot, I felt as if I was being watched. Like something, or someone, was just staring into my soul. I looked around my car, but there was nothing. I shrugged it off and opened my car door, as I stepped out, in the distance, I saw person staring at me. I couldn't see who the person looked like because the person was wearing a long brown jacket that reached his shoes. He was also wearing a brown hat that went with it. 'Why is he staring at me? Do I know him? Does that person know me?' I thought as I continued to stare at the mysterious man, along with him staring at me. I shook my head and closed my eyes, as to make sure that I'm not imagining this. I opened my eyes again and the man was gone. "Hmm...that's strange. Meh. Probably just my imagination. Even though I don't usually imagine things like that, but oh well!" I grabbed my bag from the car seat and closed the car door. I turned on the safety lock and headed into the Pizzeria.

As I walked into the Pizzeria, already, I heard kids yelling and screaming from all the excitement. It looked so fun! I squealed in my mind, as I looked around the huge kids restaurant and saw many of them playing games, eating pizza, and just having fun. I was surprised at how most of the waitresses aren't complaining about how messy the kids are. This place is awesome! 'I think I'm gonna like it here!' I smiled. (Annie reference/song: 🎶I think I'm gonna like it here!🎶 😆😂LOL!!!That's right! I watch Annie, and I sure love it!!!) I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I was suddenly faced with a man. "Uh....Hello?" I said, waving my hand, slightly confused and uncomfortable. "Hi! And I assume you're (Y/N)
(L/N), correct?" He asked me. I nodded my head as I felt less uncomfortable. "Well, my name is Mr. Fazbear, owner of the Pizzeria, and welcome! And you're here for the new entertainment, I suppose?" "Yeah! I was wondering if I could work here as an entertainer, y-you know, f-for the kids." I stuttered, scratching the back of my neck nervously. "B-But if you're good, I-I'll just--" "No, no! It's quite alright! I actually think you're good enough for the job, I just want to know, what do you do?" He asked me, as he held my shoulder and we began to walk. "W-Well, I do have this...capability, but I don't even know if it will impress the adults, AND the entertain the kids at the same time." I nervously said. Mr. Fazbear patted my back to comfort me. "I'm sure everything's gonna be just fine." He reassured. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and smiled. "Thanks!" I smiled. "Now, let's see that capability, you said you have!" He clapped his hands together, giving me a closed-eye smile. I gave him a nervous and shocked look. "W-WHAT!? I CAN'T DO THAT! NOT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!! I CAN'T BARE THE ATTENTION AND THE SENSATION OF PEOPLE WATCHING ME~!!" I whisper yelled. Mr. Fazbear gave my a worried look and put his hand on my back, while rubbing circles around to calm me down. "Hey, it's alright. We'll do it in the office, if you like!" He reassured. My scared face turned into a happy one, with a huge smile. I jumped up and down chanting, "THANK YOU!!!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!" I stopped jumping and I was going to look around the Pizzeria once more, until my eyes locked with weird one. It was one of the animatronics from the stage and was staring at me, and I stared back. It was a purple bunny animatronic. I think his name was....Boney? I-I think....was it, Bonnie? Yeah! Bonnie! The bunny animatronic! It's kinda weird having an animatronic stare at you without doing anything, But whatever. I smiled at it and waved 'hello'. The animatronic waved back and I think it smiled back. Then all of a sudden, my eyes sparkled, along with the animatronic. I don't know if it was the lighting in the room or something....but it felt real. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Mr. Fazbear."(Y/N)? You ready?" I looked at him and gave him a smile. I nodded my head and continued to walk down the hallway of the Pizzeria, on my way to the office.

AWESOME!!! Wasn't that great!?...... If you said no, you make me sick.....JK!😃.....😔😤😳😔😤😳......😖. ANYWAY, I hope I did a good job with this chapter, and one's coming up soon! Bye!

A Glitchy Love (FNAF Human! Bonnie x Glitch! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now