Chapter 8: Introducing Yourself Part 4

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(Guys, I swear this is the last part to introducing yourself😄 But just to remind you....this is going to be long. So be prepared. The pic above is supposed to be you. You can change the outfit and hair tho)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

Ah. Where were we? We were at the part where me and Mike was freaking out, power went off, and Mike freaked out again. But you already know that Mike's a big scaredy cat. But, I bet you're all wondering about the incident with the big bear animatronic. Well, you're about to find out.... let's play the tape shall we?

*Present Time*

"AAAAAAAUGHHAHAHA!" I screamed for my life as the animatronic grabbed a hold of me and took me out of the office. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Let me go! Leave me be!" No matter how much I struggled to get out of his grasp, he held onto me tight. All little to tight. (That's what she said! Eh?*cricket cricket cricket*😐)

All I heard was heavy metal pounding of his feet as he stomped his way down the hallway. I have no clue, where he's taking me....but I got a little curious. As if at that moment, I didn't even care about some robotic bear taking me somewhere that might probably kill. That's when curiosity.....and silliness took over.

".....So where are we going?" I suddenly asked for no reason at all. It didn't say anything, so I spoke again.

"You know, i've never entertained children before. Honestly, they just run away. But I know that I'll get through it!" I said cheerfully. It still didn't say anything.

"..........can you even talk? I mean, I know that--wait. Why are we going into the supply closet?" I said, noticing him taking me into the closet. All I saw were extra body parts for the animatronics. I suddenly dropped me on the hard floor, making me wince in pain. "Hey! Have you heard of being polite to a girl before! I know your have! Alwayse entertaining little girls! More importantly, why am I even here!? I didn't do anything to you!" I yelled, crossing my arms as I pout. He then yanked me up and set me near an empty costume full of wires.

"Why would he take me here full of--wait.....*gasp*" I thought of realization. HE'S GONNA STUFF ME IN A SUITE!!!! He pulled me up and started to place me in. I glitched, and teleported away from him. "W-what are y-y-you doing!?" I asked, scared to death. He started to walk towards me, but then, all of a sudden, he stopped. I was breathing heavily, still scared out of my pants, but that didn't stop me from escaping. I ran out of the supply closet and ran towards the office. As I was near the opened door, I stopped.

And do you wanna know why? Because I just realize that I'm a badass at escaping! I smiled and walked inside. But only to get head butted by Mike. I fell on my bum bum. "Ouchie! That hurt!" I cried out. Mike groaned in pain as he stood up. "Glitch!? So you didn't die?" He asked as he helped me up. I stared at him, dumbfounded.

", I died by stupidity. Of course I didn't die! I'm alive right in front of you!" I said, smiling at him. He sighed. "Well, I'm glad you're okay." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well, it's 6:00, meaning he won't bother us now. Wanna maybe go home so that you can change your clothes?" He pointed at my security outfit. I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah. Sure. I mean, can't work with these things on!" I grinned, walking towards the door as he followed behind short after.

"I'm surprised that you haven't fallen from having it being dragged on the floor." He said, as our feet made tiny noises as we walked down the hall. "Well, i'm just--" I couldn't finish because I tripped over my feet, face planted onto the ground.

(Just imagine, all her hear is a smack sound as you're not paying attention to the person who just face planted onto the ground!XD)

"Are you alright?" He asked, helping me up. I nodded. "Yeah, i'm fine. Well, I better go. See you tonight?" I asked him. He nodded and he went outside. I was about to follow, when I felt like someone.....or something, was watching me. That's when my attention was at the animatronics on stage. I stared at the Freddy, right in the eyes. "Hmmm..." I walked up to him and stared at him. Then I stared at Chica. "You're cute and friendly. I tried to get you back into the office, but Mike said not to. Sorry." I said, obviously knowing that it wasn't going to say anything back. And that's when I glanced at the purple bunny animatronic. My eyes once again sparkled as I starred at him. "And you....there's something about you, that I can't really say.....but you're cute for some reason!" I smiled, and walked away. I left the pizzeria and walked up to my car. As I did, I got in, started it, and drove home.

A Glitchy Love (FNAF Human! Bonnie x Glitch! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now