Sebastian's Story

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A/N I recommend listening to Codi Kaye's You're Not Innocent while reading this.
Warning: cutting, eating disorders, abuse, and bullying.

He was walking down the hall of his school, confident in himself. SLAM! He was pushed into a locker.

There goes his boost of confidence. 'I'm not good enough,' He thought. 'Mom? When can I be with you?' He's only 12, why should he be thinking of this stuff?

Suddenly another boy came up to him.

"You're such a slut," The boy said. He recognized him as Alex. "I can't believe it. You're gay and you've lost your virginity. AT TWELVE!" The boy exclaimes. "You're such a dumbass and a fuck-up."

'No I'm not and im a virgin.' He thought.

"OH LOOK IT'S THE MAN SLUT!" Every kid was laughing, pointing, or looked about ready to punch him.

He ran. He ran and ran and ran far away to his house.

It was almost his thirteenth birthday and he was depressed. He went up to his room to find a present on his bed. It was from his Aunt Jane.

There was a note taped to it.

Happy early 13th birthday, Sebby. Hope you enjoy this new laptop!!

- Love,
Aunt Jane

He eagerly opened the present. He opened his new blue laptop and started setting up everything.

He decided he would get a Facebook. Sure, his only friends were his family, except his dad, and 2 of his pen pals. 1 from halfway across of France who spoke really good English and French, perfect for Sebastian, and the other from Westerville, Ohio.

He set up his Facebook account and started friending his family and pen pals. They all accepted so now he had 17 friends.

2 days after he got his Facebook, there was death threats, rumors, and bad names. He started reading them. The worst one there was said, "Just Give Up". He thought the things they said about him were true. So, he listened to them. He started crying at how worst they gotten.

His dad saw him crying, when he was in the living room. He told him he was a fag and started beating him.

Later that night, he was playing with a razor blade when it suddenly, and accidently, cut his wrist. He gasped but thought it had felt good.

He cut himself 4 more times before deciding this was the way he would relieve pain.

The next morning, he went to school and they bullying was happening.

"You're fat. Just go and starve yourself." One of the bullies sneered at lunch.

"Yeah and you're ugly." Another one said.

He actually thought he was fat too. He listened to them. He put his tray away and went to the bathroom.

He made sure no one was in there. There wasn't. He locked the door and went into a stall.

He got on his knees and bended over the toilet. He pushed his fingers into the back of his throat. He started gaging and before he knew it he was vomiting.

His usual routine was wake up, get a beating from his dad, go to school, don't eat and make himself sick, come home, get another beating, and then sleep.

Usually he would go to school with a limp, black eye, or a bruise on his face and the other kids would taunt him, telling him that he deserved it.

One day, someone found out about everything he had done. From his mother dieing, to his dad beating him, to him cutting, all the way to his bulimia.

More and more taunts, and names, and beatings. It soon became enough for him. He decided to go all the way. He decided to....kill himself.

He had it all planned out. Once his dad wasn't home, he would get pills and water. He would take 2 handfuls of the pills and slowly drain it down with water.

He came home and his dad had to tell him something.

"Fag, you're transferring schools. You're going to a boarding school called Dalton Academy." He was happy. But not happy enough. He still felt like he wanted to kill himself.

That night his dad wasn't home. He had the pills and water. He took a handful. He slowly raised his hand up to his mouth until his Aunt Jane came in.

"SEB NO!" She cried. She slapped the pills away. He started crying. His aunt comforted him telling him it would be alright.

But it didn't. When he transferred, it got worse. He flirted with someone else's boyfriend, hoping that the guy would fix him, he almost blinded said guy, and he made someone attempt suicide. At least, he thought he did.

When he went to apologize to them, said guy's boyfriend had to ask him something.

Said guy's boyfriend kissed him and asked him out on a date. He said yes. The night was magical. He was so happy that he didn't cut. But when he took Sebastian out to eat, after the date was over, he went to his dorm room in Dalton and made himself sick.

After that was over, he went it go look for a locket that his mom gave him before she died.

He knew that one person who would steal it. His father.

He drove to his house late at night, about 2 hours before curfew, and slammed the door open. He ran upstairs into his old room and found his dad on his bed with the locket.

"Well hello there, fag." His father said.

"What do you want from me?" He asked.

"I want you to come home. I want you to take the beatings. I want you to quit being a fag." His father said angrily.

His dad started beating him. His dad left the locket on the bed when he went to go find a belt that would hurt a lot. He took the locket, ran out of the house as fast as he could, and drove to Dalton.

Sure, he had a black eye and a split lip, but he was happy. Happy that he went on a date with said guy's boyfriend, happy that he got his locket back, and happy that he was finally free of his father.

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