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I thank all the readers who have joined my world of writing, your support means so much to me, you have given me so much support over the months of me writing this particular story. However to create this story and for me to add onto it every week takes a lot of time and effort ( I attend a Grammar School where I am given much work to do). 

To write another chapter takes at least an hour and a half, a huge chunk out of my bustling schedule and it becomes rather hard to do. I cannot do this if I am only writing for six people, half of them don't read any more- not counting Spark187 ! I am not doing this as a desperate attempt to grab more followers, I just take a lot of time to add new chapters and I am not receiving the same time and attention back. 

Due to this, I may have to stop writing Mary Queen of Scots...this saddens me very much too :(

The fact is, this book has (ATM) 907 views-- which is amaazing! Yet only 6 people are following me, I take the effort to write this book and some people just read and expect me to write more without contributing anything.

It is so hard to think of ideas and then to actually write them out, it takes a long time ( other writers will get me), I only ask for you to click a button. If I write for such a small audience, I waste my time.

My Goal is 20 followers, to show I have support. In comparison to 907 views, 20 isn't asking for much

I love you guys a lot, sorry for this sad news :(

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