Quiet Girl

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I sometimes dislike being the person in the background, the wallflower, the quiet girl. But then I see what happens to the girls who speak their minds, take risks, and I go back to my content silence.
I see people who cause drama and am so glad I don't participate in any of that. Honestly, I've had enough drama to last a lifetime. This isn't to say I don't have any friends, I have a kind of friend, Grace Rawlings. But we never have sleepovers or hang out outside of school, like I see the other girls doing.

I'm not that kind of girl.

What kind of girl am I? Is the question I always ask myself. I, Alexis Hill, am medium height in stature, medium weight, medium skin color, light blond hair, clear blue eyes. Socially, I am quiet and shy. I don't raise my hand in class, I don't offer my opinion, and I don't go above the radar.

I keep it low.

I haven't always been this way, but enough has happened to me to teach me a lesson: your opinion is insignificant. Stay below the radar and nothing bad will happen to you. I just wish I had learned that sooner

Hey guys!! It's me, the author, Ellery. So I'm writing this book and I hope y'all like it! Tell me what you think in the comments:)

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