Part One

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The kickstand of the motorcycle easily locked into place with a nudge from David's foot and he slid off the machine, tucking the key into his pocket and unbuckling his helmet. He pulled it off and secured it to the bike, slicking his hair back as he reached for the beanie he'd stuffed into his jacket. He tugged the worn knit cap onto his head and unzipped his moto jacket just slightly before walking up the street to the bar. He was a few minutes early to meet Jeff, but it didn't matter; he was sure their usual table would be open.

David pushed open the heavy door to the dark bar and stepped inside, smiling and nodding at the familiar faces. He smirked when he reached the back of the bar, seeing the back of his friend's shaved head. "Yo!" he called. "Couldn't let me be early for once?" he joked.

Jeff spun around in his chair and grinned. "Oh hell no... You start being early for shit and I'm going to rethink our entire friendship."

He laughed. "Right? I didn't know that the power of positivity could improve punctuality."

"I think you just made it up, but it sounds good."

They shared another laugh and a brief hug before David sat down across the table. "Did you order yet?" he asked, sitting back in the chair and crossing his legs.

Jeff shook his head. "Not yet. I'd basically just sat down. Stacey'll be over in a minute. Doing your usual or onto something new?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What's my usual these days?"

"The Moscow mule, isn't it? Or have you moved on?"

"Oh, no... still on that kick. Seeing how many bartenders I can piss off before I'm banned from ordering it again, really."

Jeff laughed. "You're probably well on your way."

"I know, so I can't give it up now," he replied, smiling. "At least at your bars they've started adding weird craft shit because they know I don't care... I'll still drink it even if they've added some cucumber soda or lotus extract."

"Is that how they came up with that new hibiscus liqueur drink? You're over playing pretend bartender at Drinkerie again?"

He shrugged, still smiling. "Maybe."

Jeff rolled his eyes, but kept his words to himself as Stacey came over. She was one of the regular waitresses who'd worked at the bar for as long as they'd been going there and she'd quickly grown immune to their so-called celebrity status. After waiting on them a few times she'd learned that they were there to do what everyone else was, and not have any attention be drawn to them, which was why they preferred the somewhat hidden table tucked around the side of the bar.

She raised her eyebrows at them as the men continued to smirk at each other. "You both having your usuals?" she asked.

David nodded first. "I am, for sure." He glanced in deference to his friend.

Jeff nodded as well. "Yep, same old, same old."

"All right, one Moscow mule and one La Blanche Cheval Blanc. Be right back," she told them.

Jeff leaned back in his chair as Stacey walked away and looked back at his friend. "So, how'd that date go?"

Immediately he rolled his eyes, smile fading quickly. "Fine," he said, with a dismissive gesture.

"Any third date possibilities?" he pressed.

David shook his head. "I don't think so... I don't know. She just didn't seem like she was into it." He paused. "But she invited me to brunch on Sunday."

"But you're not going because that would be the third date," Jeff replied.

"I just don't do third dates," he said. "I have my two go-tos and after that I'm a wreck. How are you supposed to know whether to take her to an aquarium or to a spa? So off my forte."

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