Part Eight

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The buzzer rang twice for the front door of Louna's apartment building, and she ran to her door, hitting the button to let the person in from outside. It was a beautiful Saturday in July and she was getting ready to drive to an outdoor festival where Simple Plan was headlining. It would be her first time seeing David perform live since they'd officially been together and to say she was excited seemed a bit of an understatement.

A knock sounded on her apartment door and she opened it, grinning at Michelle.
"LuLu!" she exclaimed, grinning at her.

Louna laughed and offered her a warm hug. "LeLe!"

They pulled away and Michelle crashed into the apartment, dumping her backpack on the couch. "How fucking exciting is this?! I still can't believe we get to do this," she gushed.

Louna laughed, shrugging slightly. "Perks of dating a rockstar?"

They shared a look and Michelle shook her head. "Seriously... how did you get so lucky?"

"I don't think luck had anything to do with it," she replied truthfully.

It had been three weeks since the brunch at Michelle's and now it was common knowledge amongst her friends that she and David were a couple. It hadn't hit the internet, as far as she could tell, and she kind of wanted it to stay that way. They'd managed to settle into a bit of a routine, but the band had played more shows overseas the week before. It was odd to get used to David being there one week and completely gone the next. The only nice thing she found about that was it still allowed her the alone-time she was used to, so she was able to recharge a bit before being with him when he came back. They were working on finding a balance within the relationship and it seemed like it was close to happening. David assured her that his next few weeks off would let them settle into a groove and hopefully not alienate each other.

"Oh come on... with the way you two met and that ride from Ani's? Definite luck or kismet or something," Michelle stressed.

She shrugged again. "Maybe a bit of fate," she conceded. "Divine moments of enlightenment."

Michelle rolled her eyes playfully. "Because Buddha set you both on those paths and then they interlocked to go toward a greater destiny?"

Louna looked thoughtful for a moment, knowing it would drive Michelle crazy since she didn't believe in much of anything and loved to mock Louna for what she did believe. She nodded after a minute and met her friend's gaze. "I think you're totally right," she replied.

Michelle groaned exasperatedly. "No! Everything that happens is not because of Buddha and enlightened and all that shit," she said. "You and David are just... meant to be somehow."

"But not because our paths were destined to cross?"

"No. Shit happened and it's working out. You don't need a sign for everything," she replied.

She smirked, refraining from making a smart-ass comment. "I guess not."

Michelle looked smug and followed Louna back to the kitchen where she was packing food to take in the car. She raised an eyebrow at the spread. "Are you bringing an entire picnic?" she asked.

Louna frowned. "No... you know they never have food for me at things like this."

"Fries?" Michelle offered.

She scoffed. "Cooked in the same deep fryer as the chicken strips, I'm sure."

"Oh, yeah..." She was resigned, but not totally bothered. Louna's diet was a chosen lifestyle and she was the only one who had to worry about it. Michelle had long given up on making apologies to her friend because of her lifestyle. "So, what're you wearing?" she asked, quickly redirecting the conversation as Louna packed fruit into the bag on the counter.

Tonight it's FateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt