Part Two

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Louna leaned against the counter of the bar, vying for the bartender's attention in the crowded establishment. It was a Friday night and she'd come to the bar with her friends, needing to blow off stress after a busy week at work. She was already three drinks down and desperately wanted a water to go with the beer she'd drink to settle the earlier cocktails. As she waited to order, she glanced in the mirror above the bar and noticed two girls looking at her with appraising expressions. They were just in her earshot.

"Wonder how drunky PB's getting tonight," one said.

The other laughed. "Good thing Frankie's not here."

She tore her eyes from the mirror ad turned to look at the girls, who seemed startled when they made the sudden eye-contact. The only thing that saved the girls from a swift verbal attack was the sudden presence of the bartender.

"What'll it be, Lou?" the guy asked, knowing her and her friends as regulars. "Same as the last?"

She took a steadying breath as she turned to look at him and shake her head. "No, thanks... Can I get a Stella, and a water?" She said the water request pointedly, making the bartender laugh.

"Okay, okay," he said. "I won't try to make it vodka this time."

She shook her head as the other bartender helped the girls down the bar. "Wasn't to you," she told him as he passed her the water glass. "Seems some people still have the wrong impression of me." She gulped down half the glass before her beer came and the bartender returned the headshake as he topped off the water again.

"That's because they only know you in legend... can't let the myth die," he told her.

She scoffed and picked up the two drinks. "Good to know I have an interesting legacy." She wove back to her friends and settled in the booth, sipping her beer slowly in between gulps of water. She couldn't pinpoint when her reputation had been so tarnished, but it seemed that she'd been having too much fun to care while it was happening. Now it was taking all her effort to dispel the rumors of her escapades and how open her legs were. She really couldn't care less about all the partying and drunken antics, but when they started calling her an easy lay the straw had snapped. Maybe that's why the night with Frank and David had hurt so much; David had seemingly pawned his friend off in the hopes of getting a piece of ass, and Frank had been sorely disappointed when the night hadn't ended with it. Louna had pulled away from much of the party scene then, but apparently the legend continued no matter how much she stayed away. She also knew that having a short temper and stilted attitude didn't help her case any. In fact, tonight she'd probably get relabeled as psycho thanks to the two girls. There was no way to win the battles when there wasn't even a real war.

Thankfully, fifteen minutes later Anicee pushed her drink aside and proclaimed she wanted to go. Louna was more than happy to oblige, finishing her water and passing off her half-full beer before going to settle their tabs. The ride to Louna's flat was quick and they fell asleep together in her bed, Ani only managing to get her shoes and skirt off before passing out. As she changed into an oversized t-shirt and stripped off her jeans, she wondered how her friend would feel in the morning, and was glad she hadn't gone so far herself.

She awoke to the smell of coffee brewing and as she recalled the events of the night, found herself surprised that Anicee was already up. Maybe she'd only seemed incredibly drunk when it had really been the week's exhaustion catching up with her. Louna lay in bed for a few more minutes, tempted to check her phone and see the damage done from the night, but she refrained. She'd been the victim of those posts too many times to find much joy or entertainment in them anymore. She rolled out of bed, going to the bathroom for a long pee before washing her hands then twisting her hair into a messy bun and scrubbing her face. Mascara caked under her eyes and she soaked a washcloth in warm water to wipe it away. Finally she emerged from the bathroom, face pink and bright as she joined her friend in the kitchen, not caring that she wasn't wearing any pants. They'd been best friends long enough that her unshaven legs weren't an issue. Anicee smiled slightly as her friend walked in and she put her phone aside. Louna filled a mug with coffee and added a generous amount of soymilk to it, stirring it slowly before facing the brunette.

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