JeromeASF for @Chanse808

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OK, I used the dudes actual names in this so below is the little cheat sheet sort of thing. 

Seto = Jimmy. Ian = Ssundee. TrueMu = Jason. Kermit = Dakota. BajanCanadian = Mitch. JeromeASF =Jerome. Ty/Tyler = Deadlox. Quentin = Husky. Adam = Sky. 

That's it and @Chanse808 I hope you like it!!!

And feedback at all is appreciated! Stay strong, my Warrioz <3

(Chanse’s P.O.V)

I’m so excited! I’m on my way, right now, to Mitch’s apartment with Team Crafted. I haven’t seen them since forever! More like four months ago, but still, that’s a long time!

I was wearing a simple tank top and some capris, with natural make-up and my brown hair down in its natural straight-ness.

YAYAYAY!!! I’M HERE, I screamed silently in my head. Having my own little moment of fangirling.

I parked my little mini outside of the house and calmly, I actually really hoped it looked calm because, trust me, I am not calm, and knocked on the front door.

Almost immediately every single gosh dang person in that house started screaming their little heads off, arguing who got to answer the door and who got the first hug and blah blah blah.

“WILL YOU GUYS JUST OPEN THE DANG DOOR?!” I yelled as loud as I could.

The interior of the house became as silent as a mouse for a full minute. Mai gosh doods.

“I WILL FREAKING BUST DOWN YOUR DO-. Oh, hey Jerome, what’s up?” I said, smiling sweetly at him at the end, pretending that nothing ever happened.

“Were you really planning on busting down this door?” Ian piped up from behind Jerome.

“Uhm, uh, sure, maybe, I guess,” I rambled on.

“Yes, now that that’s done, wanna come in?” Adam offered, squeezing past Jerome and grabbing my wrist to pull me inside the house.

After a while of us just talking and watching a few movies, we got super-duper bored and decided to play a game of Truth-Or-Dare.

We gathered in a circle, with me sitting next to Ty or Tyler or whatever you want to call him and Jerome.

“Who wants to go first?” Jimmy asked.

“I will!” Dakota yelled, surprisingly, he’s usually sort of quiet. “Ok, Jason,” Que the groan from Jason.

“But what if I don’t wanna start?” He whined.

“I don’t care,” Dakota said with a smirk, “Now, truth or dare?”

It went on like this for a while, with people having to go outside screaming, ‘IT’S ALIVE,’ and cracking eggs on heads, and confessing who they liked. For me the worst one was to go over to the old lady next door and say that she was fat and ugly. Needless to say, the guys regretted asking me to do that because I did it, gosh darn it, but I was in tears for a good portion of the game afterwards. I promised myself to come over sometime soon and give her cookies and apologize. But the most interesting one was Jason asked Quentin and he said dare. So, Jason dared him to kiss whoever he was the least attracted to.

“I’m sorry, Adam, but I’m straight, and…” He trailed off, crawling towards Adam.

“NO. NONONO, JASON IM SO STARTL-,” Adam screamed his head off, getting cut off by a kiss from his truly. After that he sort of sat there for a few minutes, until he came to the conclusion that it was time for him to leave and de-infect his mouth.

“Ok,” Mitch grinned evilly, “Jerome, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Jerome managed to squeak out, he was honestly terrified of truth and dare, it was so sad because Jerome’s just like this little fuzzy bacca and so innocent and just like ACK.

“Aw, party-pooper,” Mitch pouted for a bit before perking up, “Who do you have a crush on?”

Jerome’s eyes widened a little bit and I heard him swear underneath his breath, “Fine.” He said looking over at Mitch who was looking rather pleased with himself.

What’s going on? Am I missing something here guys?

“IlikeChanse.” He rushed out in one breath.

I did an Adam and sat there dumbfounded for a minute before turning to look at him full-on. “Really?” I asked.

Smooth, Chanse, real smooth girl.

He nods silently.

I mentally squealed like a little girl in my head, “Cool because I like you TOO!!” I screamed, full on tackling a rather surprised looking Jerome.

All the guys watched the scene unfold and Ian squealed before moving out of the way of the Chanse and Jerome tackle-type-thing. A few guys ‘Aww’d’ and some of them just sat there like ‘How on earth am I supposed to react to this?”

“Will you be mine?” Jerome asked me quietly in my ear, so that way no one else could hear him.

“Of course dood!” I smiled and gave him a little peck on the lips, and for a moment, in my own little wonderland. And, boy, was it a wonderful wonderland. 

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