BajanCanadian for @KayXxLuck

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Ok so you didn’t put a name in your forum, so I looked at your profile and I saw Kaya, so I hope that’s your actual name. No, I am not a stalkerJ BTW, Mitch = BajanCanadian. Rob = Mr. Woofless. Mat = NoochM. Hope you like it. Plus I was a tad bit rushed so it may not be prefect but i'll look over it later

(Kaya’s P.O.V)

I woke up, all happy and such. Today I got to over to see Mitch! Commonly known as Le BajanCanadian.

I quickly hop into the shower, get all clean and then start getting ready. I put on light makeup, just mascara, foundation, and blush, and straighten my really long brown hair.

I pull on my usual shorts and my all-time favorite sweatshirt. My sweatshirt as the word, ‘Chocoholic’ in huge letters. Chocolate is basically happiness you can buy. So, technically if you give me chocolate I will be your bestest friend forever.

I’ve known Mitch for a few years, he went to my school and we just sorta… clicked, I guess. After a while of knowing him he confessed that he has a YouTube channel named Mitch and he has successfully gotten me obsessed with YouTube and Minecraft. I have lost a good chunk of my life thanks to him, but it’s awesome-sauce.

I think that he’s going to be doing a livestream with himself, Rob, and Mat. Unfortunately, he bribed me with chocolate, who could resist, and so now I get to be in front of hundreds of people who are watching me making a fool out of myself. What fun. Not. I do not like being in front of people. It’s not fun whatsoever for me, but whatever floats your goat, I guess.

*Time Skip*

Finally, and I mean FINALLY, it was time to start heading to Mitch’s house. I am an entire 17 years old which means that I got my driver’s license and my first car about a year-ish ago! Yay me!! It’s amazing not having to take the really smelly and gross bus; I swear that something died in there. It’s just plain nasty.

I hop into my car and start driving over to Mitch’s. My mind wanders a little bit, and I start to think how on earth I was going to tell him that I liked him. Yes, I do like him, he’s awesome. Screw all y’all who don’t think so. I’ve liked him for a year now; trying to get up my courage to tell him has been a total nightmare.

I snap out of my daydreaming, realizing that I had driven past Mitch’s house. Ugh, this means I have to drive around the entire block to get back on track. Laziness for the win!

I park my car in the drive way and very gracefully, not I actually managed to trip on the little lip type thing at the bottom of the car and it was quite painful. I start my way up, rather nervous, I haven’t met Mat. I have met Rob, though, once for like 3.24 seconds at a restaurant or something were Mitch and I were having lunch. No, it wasn’t a date… I don’t think.

This is awkward.

“Earth to Kaya, earth to Kaya. Hello?! HEY, ITS COLD, DID YOU REALIZE THAT?” Mitch screamed in my face, while waving his hand in my face for added measure.

Again, this is awkward, must’ve zoned out again and stood there at the door.

“Oh, um, hi,” I stutter out, blushing a light pink, “Yes, I do realize it’s cold, thank you for informing me.”

“No problemo, come on in and I’ll introduce you to Mat and Rob!” Mitch says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into the living room where all such introductions were made and whatnot.

Now, it was time to start Le Livestream, hopefully this won’t go like the little situation at the door earlier, that would be awesome.

“Hey doods! What’s up? It’s Mitch or BajanCanadian, along with Mr. Woofless over there,” He says, swinging the camera over to Mr. Woofless. “And there’s NoochM over that-a-way,” He says, swinging the camera back over to Mat. “And we’re going to be livestreaming tonight with our friend, Kaya!”

I blush lightly, and shyly wave to the camera, “Hey guys!”

“Let’s get this thing going!” Mat shouts, rushing over to his set-up.

We all get situated and get our equipment ready while Mitch has epic theme music playing for the viewers. We decide to do a Hunger Games and everything was going alright for a while. Until some poop-nugget decided to go full on elephant on me and smash me to little pieces.

I start to spectate, getting more comfortable with the audience, and I start shouting out random ‘moral support.’ It was excellent moral support in my opinion, mainly consisting of things to distract the guys whilst they play. It worked and Rob got super-duper annoyed at me. Like he wanted to take-his-mouse-and-chuck-it-at-me annoyed.

“Hey, do you guys want to ask me some questions because this game is dragging on forever and imma bored?” I ask the viewers, being completely bored out of my mind because Mat and Rob were turtling and Mitch was being driven insane because he hasn’t been able to fine them for ten-plus minutes.

The comments section immediately blew up with questions, with me answering your average question, like ‘Do you own a YouTube?” No, I do not.

“What’s your favorite dessert?” I read off of the screen and scream, “CHOCOLATE FOR THE WIN,” while showing off my sweatshirt.

Mat groans, “Kaya, you are immensely distracting.”

“Thank you, I do my best,” I smile at him sweetly, while he glared at me like there was no tomorrow.

“Can you please tell Mitch and the others that they have literally saved my life and I just want to thank them so much. If I didn’t discover them I wouldn’t be here right now.” I read another comment, and immediately my hands go over my mouth and I start to tear up a bit. “Aw, sweetie, that’s so sweet and they heard me and I want you to know that I’m thinking of you, ok?” I say to the screen, desperately wanting the girl to know that someone cares. 

She replies back, ‘Thank you, this literally means the world to me.’

“No problem.” I smile at the little face-cam, blowing a kiss to it.

During this whole experiencec, Mitch, Rob, and Mat were all looking like I was a crazy person. I move away from the mike and ask Mitch, who was nearest to me, “Why are you guys looking at me funny?”

“You’re really nice and just wow,” Mitch replies quietly then returns his attention back to the screen.

I blush and put my headphones back on.

Oh no.

Someone weirdo out there had started a rage asking if ‘Miaya’ was real. AW, is this Mitch’s and I ship name?? IMMA GONNA DIE GUYS.

I try to find a different question that doesn’t involve Miaya but there is literally none on this side of the earth, I finally cave in and read off the screen, “Is Miaya real?”

Mat and Rob oooooo’d, and Mitch blushed beet-red.

Great, he hates me now.

I whisper really quietly, so that way only I can hear it, a tiny ‘yes.’

The comments then thusly began to blow up with questions of ‘What did she say?’ and ‘I couldn’t hear her!’

I raise my head up and look directly at Mitch, this was not a time to be shy, “I like him, but I don’t know if he likes me.” I admit to the world.

His eyes widen, “REALLY?” He screams in my ear and I nod.

“Awesome, because I like you too,” He says, quickly pecking my lips in front of the camera and I blush like a madwoman. And the comments exploded for the eighth time tonight.

This. Is. Majestic. End. Of. Story.

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