25~ Typhoon

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Sabrina's p.o.v.
On the ride to Albany, my head was spinning and I was breathing in my air though a coffee straw. Now that we're here -- absolutely nothing has changed. I've always had car sickness, the sisters however, seemed to have taken this sickness and put it on steroids.

    My vision is blurry but I'm sure I look like a cabbage with a ponytail. We're sitting on some benches near a gas station as Zara starts to propose a plan, though I can't seem to process a single word she utters or my surrounding. All I hear are random phrases and all I see is a blur.

      "-So once we get there we have to-" Zara says.

      I zone out.

      "Right, so that we will be ready for-" Aria responds.

      I zone out once more.

      "-Right Sabrina?" Zara asks.

      I snap out of my daze. "What?" I ask, looking confused.

      Zara and Aria look at each other. "Did you even hear any part of the plan?" Aria asks.

      I pause. "Uh...."

      Zara rolls her eyes. "What is it? What's wrong?"

      I sigh, "nothing, it's just, I don't feel to good right now. That was the worst car ride of my entire life."

      Aria starts pulling something out of her bag. "Here, I can fix that," She pulls out a bag filled with little treats cut into tiny squares.

      I shake my head. "I'm not up to eating anything, it would just come back up in less than two minutes," I say, feeling disgusted just looking at the mini squares.

      Aria pulls one out of the bag. "Trust me, this will help. It's not just any food. This is Ambrosia. The Food of the Gods. It'll burn up a mortal, but to a demigod, they can heal us with the right amount. But don't over do it, we're half mortal. Too much of this stuff will quite literally burn us up. Here, have some." She says holding one of the tiny squares out.

     I hesitate for a second, then take the square. "What does it taste like?" I ask, analyzing the square.

      Aria smiles in response. "Just eat it."

      I shrug and pop the square in my mouth.

      I am not prepared to taste what I taste right now.

      Sugar cookies from my first -- and best -- foster family I ever had. Sea salt taffy I was addicted to from the candy store I used to "borrow" sweets from as a child. And finally the Nutella chocolate Tabitha gave me while saying goodbye. None of this should taste well together, and I'm sure if I tried to without the Ambrosia it wouldn't, but right now nothing could ever possibly taste better.

      "Gods Aria -- where did you find this?" I inquire.

"Well---I didn't. Demigod's at camp have been using Ambrosia for centuries, and you can clearly see why. How do you feel?" Aria asks, looking amused at my shock.

"Like I could run a thousand miles, though I hope we don't have to turn to that." I reply, surprised by the strength filling my body. My head stopped hurting. My dizziness vanished. My nausea is basically non-existent.

    "I don't, know about a thousand miles, but we certainly have a long way to go." Zara says, pulling out a map. "We're here in Albany, so Aria and I were discussing how we decided to stick close to towns so we can restock supplies and not have to sleep in the wilderness every night. Though I've done that before for fun."

"That would be most preferable," I respond quickly, hoping Zara doesn't decide on camping in the middle of no where.

"Great! It's settled then, let's get a move on!" Aria announces.

      As we trek on, I can't help but let my mind wander to Tabitha, just the thought of her sent butterflies to swarm my belly like nobody else could do. The worst part is, she is most likely straight. Besides the daughters of Ares and Poseidon "hooking up" would not make any of the gods happy (besides Aphrodite of course...hopefully...) I sigh deeply and I soon realize that I miss camp already.

   The sun beating down on my face reminds me of taking walks around the camps perimeter with Tabitha. The dandelions swaying to the will of the light breeze reminds me of the flowers I picked for Tabitha as a "friendship" head band (that I refused to let her take off). Everything reminds me of Tabitha. But as soon as I step in a small puddle, I remember Percy -- the only family I have ever known.

Remembering him I start to finger the trident keychain he gave me, he didn't say a word, not even wished me a final goodbye, he just gave me this. Anger starts to consume me, racking my brain about until finally I gave a sharp tug on the chain -- which to my horror, grows into a real life size trident, with a small chain on the hilt that's slightly bigger than what it was before. It's shimmering in the morning light, the ombré with the dark and light blue made a gorgeous contrast. τσουνάμι was engraved into the side of the shaft, and I instinctively translated the Ancient Greek into "typhoon" in my head.

"τσουνάμι," I read aloud. As I do, the trident transforms into a long silver samurai sword with a golden hilt. On said hilt was another inscription -- "λευκό κύμα" which again I automatically know it translates to "white wave" in english. I look further down to see the keychain hasn't changed at all so pull it once more, and see the sword shrink into a normal keychain size.

   I'm about 90% sure that if I were to speak the words on the sword it would transform back into a trident, but I honestly don't know anything anymore apparently.

I look up to find that Aria and Zara have already moved on—Zara moving more efficiently and is taking the lead— apparently not even realizing that I'm not with them. I quickly shove the keychain back into my pocket and pray to the gods that no mortal saw me as I sprint back up to my friends to continue our little crusade.

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