Chapter Two Meeting The Band

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Ava's P.o.V

Ok, so today's the day. The day I see HCR. The day I meet the people who took my brother's life and made my life so much harder. The day I see the people who made my world a living hell. And Chord expects me to be nice! What kind of BS is that?! Shakira asked if I wanted her to come over...for moral support of course. I refused. I have to do this alone.

There was a knock at the door. Oh God. Here we go. Mom and Dad ran up the stairs to come up to answer the door and Chord ran down from upstairs whereas, I just sat in the Living Room, hoping I didnt have to do this. 'yes, I do' I told myself. I heaved myself off the couch and went to the door. Mom answered with a pleasant smile.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey, Mom," Nash said and gave her a hug. He did the same with Dad and Chord and walked over to me.

"Hey, Ava!" He went for a hug. I leaned in but didn't wrap my arms around him.

"I'm surprised you still remember who I am," I said glumly. He sighed and rolled his eyes. But otherwise, he ignored the comment. Then, I saw his band. HOLY SHIT! NO ONE TOLD ME THEY WERE HOT!

I felt heat rise to my cheeks as one with long hair made his way over to me.

"Hi, I'm Ian," he held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Ava," I shook his hand and gave him a pleasant smile. Another one came over. He, too, had longish hair.

"I'm Jamie," he said. He smiled and shook my hand.

"I'm Nash's sister Ava!" I replied.

Then the one with sandy brown hair came over. He was the hottest in my opinion. They were all hot, but he was fuckin' gorgeous.

"I'm Ryan," he said, flashing his perfect straight and white beautiful teeth. I smiled back, suddenly self-conscious about my smile.

"I-uh-I'm Ava," I stuttered. He chuckled and shook my hand.

I walked over to Nash and whispered, trying to look normal, "Ok, they're hot. I'll give you that." I saw him grin. "But there is still no way in hell I will ever like these bastards."

He smiled wider, "only time will tell."


At dinner I sat across from Ric-Ross? Ronan? Aw, hell with it! At dinner I sat across from gorgeous, which I didn't mind. I can't believe I forgot his name! I remember Ian and Jamie! I guess I was just too speechless to remember.

Everyone at the table looked at me expectantly. I turned red, no knowing what the conversation was.

"Sorry, what?"

"Ryan asked what you do for a living?" Mom said. I rolled my eyes.

"I work at Burton's Café," I said, avoiding all eye contact with him. He smiled.


"Yeah, Nash and I used to work there together," I said, a certain hardness to my voice that only Nash could hear, but when he caught it, he shot me a glare. I looked away from him and focussed on my meal.

When dinner was over, we all went into the Living Room to talk. Chord and Nash sat on either side of me.

"Stop being a bitch to Nash," Chord mumbled into my ear.

"I'm not the one to lecture," I mumbled back.

He sighed, "Just cos Nash has a successful carreer doesn't mean you have to hate him."

"You have a successful carreer too, but you still spend time with Mom, Dad, and me. Nash doesn't. And besides, I don't hate him. I'm just upset with him."


With that, we returned to the conversation. I actually participated a few times, which shocked me.

"So, Chord, how's Glee coming along?" Mom asked.

"It's great! We're on the 5th season and I'm really excited about Adam Lambert being on it!"

"Oh yeah? He is?" I asked. I love Adam Lambert with a passion. He's my favorite artist.


"Not surprising," Dad said, "damn that kid has some talent!"

"Yeah and that "kid"," I said, "is also 31."

Chord rolled his eyes, "No, he's 30!"



"31!" I argued. It was an inside joke between us. We always argued about his age.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Because I'm a serious Glambert! How do you know?"

"Cos I've actually met him."



"The concert. I went to M&Gs!"

"You did NOT tell me that."

"I did. After the concert I told you."

"But-" Mom interrupted him.

"Different topic please? Before we have to look up how old Adam Lambert is?"

"Uh..." Ian said, "just so you know Mrs. Overstreet, we four boys are terrible conversation starters. You might want to ask your daughter."

All eyes turned to me. I smiled. "Fine, I'll start a conversation. Let's talk about Nash's embarrassing moments!"


Sorry for the short chapter. They'll get longer I promise! I love you all! Please please please leave a comment! I beg of you! I will give you a shouting in the next chapter I swear! Xoxo


My Brother's Best Friend-A Hot Chelle Rae Fanfiction(ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن