Chapter Four - Free Falling

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(Ok guys so you were prolly like OH MY GOD WHAT'S THE BAD THING THAT HAPPENED?!?! But I'm gonna keep you waiting! I KNOW IM A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING! But I have to. It'll happen in like two or three chapters. And I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but here it is!)

Ryan's P.o.V (whaaaaaat?!)

I'm just gonna come out and say it. Rip it off like a bandaid. I have a crush on Ava. Before anyone says anything, it's not intentional. She's just so gorgeous and sweet, well, sweet to Chord. And she's got some sass. Nash is a problem though. If he knew I liked her in any way shape or form, I would have a knife thrown straight through my skull. He's kinda protective over her that way, not to mention Chord. Chord's the kind of guy that you don't wanna get in a fight with. I guess it just runs in the family. But anyway, we're playing mad libs! It's me, Ava, Chord, Nash, Ian, our friend Tristan, and Jamie. Ava was reading the final product.

"Ok, this one is called Misbehaving Animals. It was:

You don't like the teacher? The walrus? But do not please refer to the past, he smelled me. That is all with him and Jimmy. It was a walrus who stood your virginity Jamie. Chord, what do you deflour the walrus? The purple lion was just sitting in a bathtub wearing orange spanks when all of a sudden a huge seagull came from the table and hit his testicles. The zoo is no place for spotty people when they sit on your grandfather. You never know when you might find a ten foot pole in your penis."

Everyone was laughing, "Wow, that was amazing," I said. "Who said penis for that last one?"

"Nash!" Almost everyone said at the same time.

"Figures," I muttered. He shot mea glare, which I personally don't think I deserved. I know him too well I think. Ok, on another thing, what is this thing going on between Nash and Ava. I mean, they're brother and sister! Ava always gets the last word in against Nash. I've tried asking Nashy about it but he just sighs and walks away.

Everyone began to disperse after the game, and only Chord and I were still siting there. It was an incredibly awkward silence, which intended to break.

"So..." I said, "what's going on between Nash and Ava?" I asked. Chord sighed. Please don't walk away, or I will be left to ask Ava and that conversation would only go downhill.

"It's an old family issue, you don't wanna hear about it," he told me. I shook my head, needing to know why there was always that fake smile on her face when she was around him, why the tension rises when he walks in. I have a small crush on her, sure. But nothing too serious. All I want is an answer.

"Yes, I do, Chord."

He sighed, "She's mad at Nash and the band because she and Nash used to be close. Nash joined the band and they never saw each other. He never visits, and my job is just like his kinda. But I visit. She is just mad at Nash for being so distant and the band for stealing his life. It'll blow over, I'm sure. For now, we just have to keep trying to get them to get along."

I thanked him briefly before going to find Nash. I wanted to talk to him. Little did I know of what shitstorm was yet to come.


Hey guys, sorry if that was crap. It's moving too fast but tbh I kind of was working on other stories so I get all mixed up and everything. It's bad. Anyway, hope you guys liked it! Love you all, xoxo


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