Chapter Three - The End, Part Two

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Chapter Three – The End ~ Part Two

Though Kronus had bound his children – including Demeter and Hera, whom he deemed a threat – within his own body using a powerful spell,  Kronus was still rightly troubled. Zeus might be unable to gather the other children in rebellion, but Kronus knew he could never grow complacent as long as his youngest spawn was free to grow and plot and scheme. The cruel King was true to his word: he searched his heavens and the earth, leaving no stone unturned in finding the baby god.

The colony of nymphs living in Crete, led by Amalthea, an old and dear friend of Rhea, took their duty of hiding, caring for and raising Zeus very carefully. Knowing that Kronus' armies were coming, they submerged their retreat within an illusory force-field, and any passing observer saw only an empty stretch of mountains. This disguise saved the child, and as the search moved on to other places Zeus was able to live a peaceful, if sheltered, existence as the years passed by. Amalthea mentored and trained him for the job he had to do when he was old and strong enough, but though the boy wanted for nothing in terms of food, clothes or luxury he was bereft of the affection of a family. 

Zeus dreamed only of the day he would save his waiting siblings, and how joyfully they would welcome him into their arms. This dream became his inspiration, and his goal.


While Zeus hid on earth, his amazing power manifesting more and more day by day, Kronus imposed a lockdown on the heavens. Every young blond, pale-skinned boy in the kingdom was brought before him, and if anyone spoke against his methods they were immediately imprisoned under suspicion of treason. Nobody could trust their neighbours anymore, and riots were beginning to break out at this callous violation of rights. 'Lord Kronus has lost his senses!' were the words on the breeze. While the gods began to question the methods of their ruler, the titans automatically took Kronus' side, therefore causing a rift in the very management of Olympus.

With their only help of salvation – Queen Rhea – nowhere to be found, many of the gods began to silently wish for the return of the legendary youngest son, who would free his siblings, rise up and shatter the dome of  dictatorship that had oppressed the heavens for so long. They were about to get their wish.

Kronus made one crucial mistake: believing that all of his fellow titans agreed with his methods. The gentle Oceanus and his wife Tethys were not among the king's supporters, and were disgusted at such treatment of fellow deities. Oceanus had been Kronus' oldest and closest friend since childhood, but he was prudent enough to see that the king was moving down a very dangerous path from which there could be no turning back. Oceanus had sworn allegiance to Kronus, but he had also sworn allegiance to Kronus' family and the kingdom, and both were now in dire jeopardy. Though it pained Oceanus deeply, he saw that his old friend could no longer be reasoned with, and so was forced to seek more extreme plans for bringing peace back to Olympus.  Oceanus and Tethys brought together the growing underground resistance into a single movement against Kronus, but though they met every single day, no-one in the organisation had any idea how to remove such an all-powerful king from his throne. So Oceanus was very surprised one cold morning, when a boy turned up unexpected at his doorstep. He wore a hood, keeping his face hidden, and the titan was immediately apprehensive.

'Who are you?' Oceanus growled, fearing he and his wife's betrayal had been discovered. 

To his amazement, the child grinned cockily and pushed past him.

'I,' the youth replied, 'am answer to your prayers.'


Kronus stood at the balcony, observing his kingdom with a grim smile like a spider hanging in a web and waiting leisurely for a fly. A goddess stood behind him, leaning against his broad back. With her natural long copper hair and slim figure she was at first glance very lovely, but any claim to real beauty she would have had was tainted by her thin lips, pinched face and hard eyes.

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