Chapter 2 Where It Started

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I was in my room terrified of that I sprouted angel wings. I've prayed to God that this wouldn't happen, but it did. Then out of nowhere, my cousin knocks on the door. I know it's her because she has a special knock. I let her in and she isn't surprised. "Hey, did this happen again?" My cousin, Heather asked. "Y-yes..."I replied. "I have a favor for you to do, how about getting one of those blood roses for me tonight?" requested Heather. "Uh... Ok!" I said. I went downstairs to the front doors of my castle, until my dad asked, "Where are you going?" I hesitated, then said, "To get a blood rose for Heather"I opened the door and flew away quickly. "STOP!!!" My dad roared while trying to catch up with me. I went into the forest so did my dad. Heather was following me in her dragon form, too! Then I saw a blood rose in the moonlight as pure as blood. I landed near it and ran to get to it. But my dad landed in front of the blood rose and so did Heather. My dad was about to say something, but then the immortal hunters saw us and tried to trap my father. "Go now!!"My dad yelled. We hid in the tree closest to the blood rose. They trapped my dad and drove away in their van. I headed back to the castle and I told them, "Dad got captured by the hunters!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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