The Fenton Ghostcatcher

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I flew through the school invisible. Everything a blur as I sped by, tears streaming down my cheeks. 'What's wrong with me ?!!!' My mind screamed as I flew towards home.

Moments later... After arriving home I emediately flew up to my room and calapsd on my bed. "Why do ghosts have to have mating seasons anyway?!" I said to myself and signed in frustration. "If it was this hard controlling my instincts now... I can only imagine how hard it is going to be tomorrow." I said to myself. Then it hit me.... My eyes widened as the idea popped into my mind. "The Fenton Ghostcatcher!! Why didn't I think of it before?! And with Mom and Dad on a buisness trip hunting ghosts... I'll have the house to myself!" I yelled out excitedly as I flew down to the basement. I stopped in front of Fenton Ghostcatcher feeling a smile spread across my face as I admired the device. "I am the Box Ghost!!" The Box Ghost screamed out. "Oh come on!!" I yelled out in annoyance. "Beware!!!" He yelled out. I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled out my Fenton Thermous. "Beware this!" I yelled out as I sucked the Box Ghost into the Fenton Thermous. I continued giggling as I flew back over to the Fenton Ghostcatcher. I signed before wiping a tear from my eye. "I needed that." I said as I flew up to my room with The Fenton Ghostcatcher. I slowly sat the Fenton Ghostcatcher down next to my bed and flew over to my room door locking it. I quickly flew over to my dresser sitting the key on it before flying over to my window. I exhaled as I locked my window and shut the curtens. I slowly turned around staring at the Fenton Ghostcatcher nervously...

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