The Beginning

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A very long time . When the universe was just brand new, There were four leaders that took control of the universe. One each took care of there special kingdoms in space,one toke care of the black holes in deep inner space,another took care of the nebulae in the beautiful space,the other took control of the stars,and finally the last ruler controlled the whole universe. Sadly during a peace meeting they couldn't agree on the important night of all. The star alliance. Every 300 years the stars will gather and start a new generation. The leaders would not agree with each other to make a better generation and started war. When there leaders died there children took control. When the leader of the nebulae died her son,Merlin, took her place. The leader of the black holes died and her son,Devon, took her place to control. The king of the stars had a daughter but died right after she was born but she became queen Emily. Lastly we had the controller of every little thing in the universe this king had a daughter that had took his place and became queen Caitlyn of the universe. Together they shall fall or they shall rise.

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