4- Trouble With S.S.

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4- Trouble With S.S.

Angel's Pov

"Niall, are you sure it was this way?" Jade asks

"Yes! Will you shut up now?" Niall says as we follow.

"I'm pretty sure we're not going in the right direction." Cole inputs.

"You guys are going to get us caught before we can even find their warehouse" Zayn says, removing a twig out his hair.

"Shut up!" I say

"I'm getting twigs in my hair. You know how I feel about my hair." Zayn huffs.

"Stop being a girl." Niall snaps. Zayn scoffs, running his fingers through his hair.

"This is rubbish. Why do we have to go through the park?" Jade asks

"Because we can't just walk that way, they'll see us" Niall says

"He's right, we have to be careful" I say as we jump the fence exiting the park. Since the park closes at dusk, the gates are closed.

"Now which way, pretty boy?" Zayn asks

"I saw them walking down that street and turn" Niall points

"You sure?" Cole says and Niall nods

"Come on now" I say taking the lead and they all follow.

This was exciting. We were finally going to know their spot. If anything no gang wants the other gang to know, that'll be their spot. But they should've thought of that before they crossed our paths. Things were fine until they started shit with us.

And of course Liam is behind it all. His stupid minions think they're so cool. I can't believe I was ever friends with them. Jade was right. I hated that she was. She had a good sense of these things. But she was wrong about Niall and Zayn, they aren't like the people from Silent Screams. And I am sure it kills Liam inside at the fact both Zayn and Niall left their group and came to me. That's when things started to really unravel.

Niall and Zayn were always in Silent Screams, but they were sick of Liam's shit, so they left. But I didn't take them in that easily. They had to prove themselves. Prove their loyalty and that they are worthy enough to be in my group. Because I had to take caution. I wasn't sure if it was a lie and they were doing it to find things out, which seems like something Liam would make them do. But after a while I see their loyalty.

We ran into S.S.- Silent Screams for short- at the pier and one of their members, Taylor, I believe it was, decided to take matters into her own hand. Next thing I know I was being pushed back. The push was strong, so I was shocked to find out it was Taylor because she is nothing but skin and bones with a bunch of tattoos and different hair color every week. I start to wonder when will her roots die and she can be bald. That would be funny.

Anyways, she shoved me so hard I fell into the harbor. One of my biggest fears is water.

When I was younger our school went on a trip and they took us swimming, but I never learned how to swim so I didn't go into the water. And then this boy pushed me into the pool and I felt like I was going to die. I was scared for my life. But there was a lifeguard on duty and he saved me and Jade comforted me to make sure I was okay. I've hated water since then.

I struggled with all my might to swim to fight back the water, but I sunk even more. I thought this was it for me. But then I felt like I was being lifted. I thought for a second all the paddling I was doing saved me, but it was Niall. He jumped in after me and took me out. Silent Screams left the scene. Zayn helped pump water I took in out of my system. He took a CPR class so he's certified.

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