Chapter 20

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Ellie's PoV
I woke up and I looked around me. I was in a bedroom(picture up top) it looked nice in a way but the main reason was. Who did this and why did they do it. I stand up only to be pulled back down by some chains attached to the floor. I looked down at my lap to see a have changed cloths. These were the things that I had on:
.some black leggings
.gold vans
.a black and gold crop top
To say I didn't look that's bad but I was still confused on who the fuck did this. I get snapped out of my thoughts by someone coming in the door and that Someone was who I lost my v card two. The one that help me through all the years. The one I trusted. The one who I was going to fucking marry and have kids with. And that someone was.......
Trevor Moran!!
I can't believe this. Trevor walked up to me and gave me a smirk before he said anything.
"So I see your awake" he chuckles. I start to cry how the fuck could he do this to me.
"You know your talking out loud right?" He chuckled again. Tears ran down my face like a waterfall. He lightly brushed them away but I keep flinching away. He face turned from a smirk to a sad/angry face and I didn't like it.
"You know what I tried to help you but you never listened!!" Trevor shouted in my face making me scream in fear.
"Am gonna teach you a lesson" he growled. He walked out of the room and that's when I started to panic what's he gonna do? Is he gonna kill me or what? Trevor came back in with a belt in his hands.
"Right now get on your knees and turn around" he said. I did what he said and got on my knees and turned around. As Trevor whipped by back so many times I couldn't keep up. My head started o feel dizzy and light headed. The world started to fade out and I couldn't feel anything anymore. And all I could hear was Trevor's evil laughs and chuckles behind. Me till I can't even see anything. And then I woke up.

Trevor's PoV
When Ellie was putting the knife back in the kitchen she was taking a long time till we hear a scream and we all rush into the house. But only to see Ellie on the floor was blood coming out of her head. Someone hurt my baby oh no there dead. I ran to Ellie and picked her head up. She was Tossing and turning like she was in a bad dream. But I don't know what's it about. Anyway. I picked Ellie up and told Sam to grab a towel from the kitchen for her head. I slowly put Ellie in the back seats of the car laying down. I grabbed the towel that Sam had got for me. And I placed it on Ellie's head to maybe stop the bleeding. We got to the hospital and I carried Ellie in the nurse saw us and rushed over to us and picked Ellie out of my hands.
"OK are you family or friend" she asked I took me maybe about one minute because me and Elle have not get married yet but I am still her husband right.
"Husband" I said quickly. She nodded and passed her back to me and asked me to follow her. I followed her to a room with white walls and a baby blue and pink bed. The nurse told me to place Ellie on the bed, So I did. I placed Ellie on the bed and sat in the chair net to her.
"I'll be back in two minutes am only getting the doctor ok" she said. I nodded. I looked over to Ellie and she was tossing and turning again like before. I jolted up and walked over to Ellie and sat her up.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Ellie screamed and I flinched back. She liked at me scared like terrified. She sooned calmed down when she was only in a hospital bed and she's safe.
"Baby are you ok?" I asked looked img at her. She nodded and opened his arms for a hug.
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"Yes"she said quietly.

She told me every thing and I tell you what I was so angry at myself. How could she think of that I would never do that to her NEVER IN ONE MILLION FUCKING YEARS!!! I start to cry into Ellie and she start to cry aswell.
"Baby I would never do that's to you. You know that's right" I told her. Ellie nodded.
"When can we go home Trevor?"Ellie asked me. I shrugged. But then the nurse came in with a doctor.
"Ellie franta right?" The doctor asked. Ellie nodded.
"Well everything's ok but......

Hey guys it's me elelhig157 I tell you what am so sorry I haven't updated I a awhile but am back and now I'll you see you next chapter love you all.

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